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The Oncoming Storm

Living Community-Wide Event

Players: ALL OF THEM


Can you beat the clock to discover what happened to Hail Storm?

Ok chummers, strap in this run is fragging nuts. I will be bringing you the chiptruth summary in APDS bullet point, scan? You want to talk about all the little tidbits and who talked to which contact? Go for it, nothing is stopping you. Also yeah this is from my point of view, you fraggers don't take notes so of course I know my parts better.

Day 0 - The Last Match October 7th 2082 -- Seattle Sprawl

Picking up moments after “A Payday is a Knife in the Back”

  • There is a loud argument in ‘The Last Match’ Hail Storm draws a gun, and leaves.

    Hail was pissed we did a job for the Azzies, and sold him out a little. 8-bit

  • Lone Star gets a call in but refers it out to local KE. KE reports they are enroute but never books Hail Storm.
  • KE Takes Hail Storm to their facility in North Renton.

    We of course didn't know this at the time.

  • Slow Ride & Fisher – immediately return to ‘The Heights’ the apartment where the original run went sideways. They manage to kill the blood spirit with stick-n-shock rounds and recover a computer with some information.

    The apartment had 5 bodies all orks, all very similar looking to Hail Storm. -- This comes up again later -- 8-bit

  • Murmur, 8Bit, Killroy Was Here, and possibly some other techy types get some data from the compter
@Ice_Protocol $ {Initialize....//////------}
**The Files Include**
- A batch of what appear to be dossiers on several runners -- these are lost to a databomb
- Maps of sewers around Seattle
- List of Azzie Operators mostly dead
  • 8bit – holes up in the secret safehouse in ‘The Chrome Horse’

Day1 – 10/8/2082

  • Workout is told what happened by Slow Ride
  • Hail Storm goes missing

    Or so we think, of course in reality he was picked up the night before.

Day 6 – 10/13/2082

Yeah Chummers 5 fraggin days of not knowing. Folks going a little stir crazy worrying, wondering, is Hail alive? Dark days to be a runner.
  • 8Bit receives a commlink at the dead drop this is a log of the conversations as they were. (((THIS IS CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE 8bit Shared it with his fellow runners)))
<So, you’re wanting in on cleaning up the trash? We need proof that you’re not trying to just work us over. 
We need you to bring at LEAST one of Hails closest contacts to us. Once you’ve dropped them off, we will proceed with your request.
I heard payback is worth it’s weight in gold.>

<You know me well enough to know I don’t work for free. I expect half payment up front untraceable credsticks.
Who do you want and where? Tempers are high, a few options of target would be appreciated.>
  • Workout Gets message from contact (((THIS IS PLAYER KNOWLEDGE -- Workout has not broadly shared this info)))
Contact: <What's this assistance worth to you? We may have uses for you in the field.>
W/O: <Anything I have I am willing to give. If there are things you want me to do, I am yours to command. The ONLY thing I wouldn't do for assistance is betray the company.>
Contact: <Great. You know we can't be involved, but maybe we can provide some information or something. You know how the company is.>

Day 7 10/14/2082

  • Fisher enlists Killroy Was Here to get some info on a prior run.

    All roads seem to point to Azzie involvement.

Day 8 10/15/2082

The Chop shop picked up Hail's car from near the Last Mathc. Inside they Find a bundle of clothes – it’s a Lone Star Uniform and Commlink – they also find a spare armor jacket and a pistol.

  • Workout Provides an update to SK including her new data. They can offer information but direct support will arrive too slow.
8-Bit Cop Movie at Joe's Diner
8-BIT checks the dead drop and discovers there is a new commlink and a datachip. After checking the coast was clear 8-BIT checks the commlink for any databombs or trackers. Finding none he proceeds.

There’s a single photo saved and a single contact within the phone, the photo is of Hail beat up, cut up, and chained to a chair. The room itself looks like it’s concrete flooring, but metal walls, and not reinforced steel or anything, looks cheaper than that. Under Hail’s seat, you look very closely and you notice something written in blood that’s very close to the pool that’s at his feet… KE

8-BIT checks the metadata. The file was created yesterday. The message on the com reads:

Once you have selected who you’re bringing, please bring them to these coordinates and call the contact in your phone. If you do not come alone besides with your target, Hail will be turned into a blood spirit that is so large that he’ll turn that whole fraggin bar upside down

8BIT thinks quickly, this looks a lot like a holding room and KE pretty much means only one thing…

8-BIT: "fragging azzies didn't drop half the cash. that’s two damn strikes first they stiffed me on my Mucho Gusto Taco platter, now they stiffed me on my half the cash up front. Also this Hail Storm business so really that 3 strikes, bunch of unprofessional fraggers"

8-BIT recalls there was a KE HQ in north Renton, but has been HEAVILY downsized due to losing the contract for Seattle. Mostly used as a backup station now if Lone Star needs backup.

Driving around randomly to lose any tails, he calls his LoneStar beat cop buddy Paul Levy

Paul:“hey chummer, you alright?” 8Bit : Doing good Paul doing good. How are things?" Paul: “They’re the fraggin worst man, just pulled a 30 hour shift. Trying to get all this paperwork done.” 8Bit: "Ugh, not jealous of that. Well I won't keep you long buddy. I did want to ask a favor though, I have a nova hot date, was thinking about taking her to the Lone Star ball... think you could score me a couple tickets, they are still what 200¥? And if you don't mind I'm trying to impress her, think you could point me in the right direction to get status on a friend of hers that KE has locked up?" Paul:“….now that’ll depend on what her friend did.” 8Bit: "to be honest Paul I am not sure. Prolly just guilty of being an Ork that looks like some other Ork that did some drek. You know how those KE guys are. If I get you a description and alias, you take a look and you get back to me if you can I don't want you to catch any heat for helping me impress a date" Hail Storm: “You know, we got a call over the radio about an ork that was causing a scene recently, picked up for waving around an Ares Pred? We were busy wrapping this up, so we told KE to bag and tag him, but it was never put in on a log that he was booked. That sound like your guy?” 8Bit: "Ork with an Ares Pred.... thats like half the Orks in North America. Dude in a hoody, maybe picked up last Friday in Renton, driving a POS Americar?" Hail Storm: “That’s the one!” “But like I said, according to our records, he wasn’t booked.” 8Bit: "Thanks man, any idea where he was supposed to be bagged and which KE drekhead responded. If we can sort this out hopefully the damn defense attorney won't catch wind of the improper booking, Ill do that paperwork for you too and you can drink a couple of my beers" Paul: “He was supposed to be bagged at that bar, and tagged at the old KE HQ until we were able to pick him up. And I’m gonna get ruined if this slips, but it wasn’t official KE… a buddy of mine that was on the force was going to pick him up for me. Last name of Parker. He was former KE, but still knows the code forwards and backwards.” 8Bit:"This guy?" (Sends picture of Gerald Parker) Paul: Yeah, that’s the guy? Why do you got a picture of him??” 8Bit: "Paul get out of town for a a bit. You are in way over your head man. I’ll keep the drek off you though" Paul: “Yeah, I’m cleaning up a bio weapon attack, I can’t just ditch those on the force! I took an oath, chummer.” 8Bit: "Frag" "Ok, stay safe. Call me ASAP if anything seems off at all OK?" Paul: “Stuff seems off now! Look, you got a picture of my buddy, on your phone and then tell me to buzz off? I typically look the other way for you and what you do, chummer. But you gotta give me something more than this?” 8Bit: "Ok but not over a comm. When do you get off I can meet you?" Paul: I just finished up, meet me over at Joe’s Diner. They got a mean cup of Soykaf.” 8Bit: "OK on my way over" ((head over there all due caution))

*-BIT arrives at this small diner very ran down, but inside you see 5 folks inside. Your buddy, Paul, who’s sitting at the counter, some ork teen with headphones on just jamming with some food in front of him, a server who’s walking around, young Human lady, and 2 orks who are cooking right on the other side of the counter

((I set my commlink up to send the file and the pic and a summary of what I have learned to Slow RIde if my biobracelet shows sign of significant injury, unconciousness, or death and a timer to send the file in 1 hour unless I stop it))

8BIT heads over to Paul and take a seat to his left taking a view of the door.

8BIT:"Hey sorry for all the theatrics, I am a little high strung at the moment. To the waitress SoyKaf please." Waitress: “You got it, hun? Any grub?” 8Bit:"Yeah whatever my friend here is having thanks" Waitress: Without looking at the cooks “Another triple, add egg, extra runny with all the toppins!” 8Bit: "You have excellent taste Paul" I slide him the 400¥ for the Lonestar Ball Tickets

Paul looks over to you, and is absolutely just visibly exhausted, but still made a point to be here. I.

Paul: (A whispered voice as he takes the cred stick) “what the frag is going on, and I’m gonna be honest because I respect you. If I don’t respond with a certain code in 20 minutes, my partner is rolling in.” 8Bit: "Look I'll level with you no problem, but I’ve got to warn you this is drek you don't want to know. Heavy stuff Paul" Hail Storm: “Try fraggin pulling 35 corpses down some stairs last Friday…that’s something that weighs on your soul man.” he takes a big gulp of his soykaf and sighs 8Bit:"Alright. Fine. I think the Heights was an Azzie Blood Ritual and your buddy the "KE" agent is involved." "He scooped up my date's pal cause he looked like some other Ork dude and I worry he has another attack planned but bigger, The Heights was the practice run Paul"

Paul:“Nah, Gerald would never work with those fraggin Azzies. And he’s definitely ain’t no magic slingin, ritualistic slaughterer! You can slot right off with that! Only time I’ve seen that dude mad is when he lost his position when KE got downsized!” you can tell he’s extremely frustrated that you even suggested that. He grips his mug tights, almost looking like he could shatter it. 8Bit:"Are you sure?" Paul: Yeah, your info’s bad, brother. He ain’t no pyramid.” 8Bit: "Drek" The waitress comes spins around with your plates. Triple soy burger, add egg, extra runny with a bunch of random toppings 8Bit:"Thank you Ma'am, Paul you go way back with this guy? Like years?"

she nods, sensing the tension from Paul. She brings the coffee pot over and just leaves by you two Paul looks over at you Paul: “at least 15 years on the force, and in this city, that’s a lifetime, why do you think he’s an Azzie?” 8Bit: "His name popped up on a list of Azzie operatives. He hired some folks with some insinuations but now I think I know whats going on. Is Parker the kind of dude who would keep going after he was let go by KE?" Does he have beef with the Azzies?" Paul: What do you mean, keep going?” 8Bit:Keep serving justice even without the badge"

mid-bite Paul: “He tried to get back on the force through KE, but KE didn’t have room for him. And Lone Star couldn’t afford him because we aren’t fully backed by a corp like they are…One night he was out of his mind, either 50 floors up and sloshed out of his mind, he said he’d make them pay, but I told him to sleep it off before he did something fraggin dumb. And he did?”

8Bit (He/Him) — It might not be dumb at all, he might be saving a drek load of people. You know how complicated it can get out here OK I will add make sure your buddy is OK to my priority list. If he is/was a good cop I owe him yeah?" Paul:“You’re not wrong. I joined the force to help the streets, but you never realize how messed up it is until you’re wearing the badge.” 8bit nods "I know" Paul:“Yeah, he’s rough around the edges, but he’s a good guy as long as he’s not hopped up.” “And be careful if he is, he’s a troll after all.” 8Bit:"What's his drug? if he's hopped up and I need to calm him down the right antidote will be critical" Paul:“I mean, mostly just drinking, but I do know that when they couldn’t afford cyber, they ran the hard stuff…. kami specifically.” 8Bit: Fraggers cheap fragging fraggers. Hey don't forget to call off your partner, I don’t have time to get arrested tonight" Paul: “Turned that man into a freight train. I was once in a firefight down in the Underground, and I saw him fraggin snap the shooter like a toothpick.” he puts his hand up in the air, and you see a car headlights flash towards the diner. “he’s gonna stay there until we’re done, by the way. Partner is thick and doesn’t trust anyone. You’re alright though.” 8Bit: "Yeah alright. Anything else you know about your boy? I am trying to defuse this situation and any edge could help a lot. No specific issue with Azzies or Mojo or anything?" Paul: “I mean, nah. He doesn’t have a problem with folks with or that do mojo of any sort.” He takes another large bite of his sandwich before washing it down with a large chug of his soykaf “You got that list of names he was in? Maybe I can help you out and see if any of them got warrants or anything. Make sure they’re not more dangerous than you know!”

the younger ork puts a cred stick down on the table he was at, and walks out 8Bit: "Paul can you have your partner run that Orks face, just in case. I am probably jumpy but hey that’s where we are right now..."

Shortly after the ork leaves you see him pushed against the glass and muffled yelling from outside Paul sighs “looks like it’s another day…” He makes his badge visible “stay here while I figure out, if this turns into a press matter, I don’t need any sort of evidence that we were here, I’ll be right back.”

As Paul makes it to the door, you hear a gunshot ring out as the shouting continues. Paul draws his weapon from a QuickDraw holster and pushes through the diner door.

8Bit:"Frag everybody down!" You hear Paul yelling to someone outside “Don’t just sit there, call 911!”

You see a LoneStar officer shot, as Paul is hold the wound from bleeding and you see the young ork male just sitting there.

8Bit: "Paul I got this get the kid find the shooterm Please God don't let them shoot me in the back I talked to a priest this week and everything".

You run over to him, and as Paul moves to look at the ork. You hear a car tear by and take off and just unload in your general direction. Paul dives in front of you, and you hear Paul wince as he lands

you look up to record the plate and noticed there wasn’t one. But you recognized the make and model as a Ford Americar. Can’t see the color though. You look back over towards Paul, who’s lying in front of you. And see him grab his chest

8Bit "Hey kid, looking at the Ork, I need you to apply pressure there ok."

You look Paul over really well, and as you flip him over, you see his armor jacket has two bullets caught in it. No puncture though. The ork comes over and holds the wound

8-BIT "Get up and rub some dirt in it Paul you scared the crap out of me" Paul: He takes a deep breath and with a shaky voice. “yeah, yeah. You alright chummers?! You guys need to get out of here, DocWagon is on their way and it’s NOT going to be pretty if you’re here and you’re not an officer.”

Paul grabs you by the shirt “the person who shot my partner, was dressed up like LoneStar…Now get out of here. I’ll be in touch.”

8Bit: "Yeah leaving, send me your vid capture of the guy if you can" Paul: “I’ll see what footage we have on the squad car.” you begin to hear sirens roaring through in the distance 8Bit:"Call me later, stay safe. Maybe crash someplace different yeah?"

- 8bit gets a dead drop - the Johnson wants him to comm him when he has selected and acquired a close contact of Hail's. He selects Workout. She is an unarmed fighter, very close to Hail, and capable of talking her way out of trouble. - The drop also contained a recent photo of Hail Storm -- the clever runner managed to pass a message by writing "KE" in the blood pooled by his feet. - Having a strong knowledge of law enforcement procedures and corporations 8bit realized the photo was likely taken in the old KE HQ in Renton. The photo is dated 10/15/2082 - 8bit calls a beatcop he has worked with in the past, turns out the cop knows the Azzie Johnson (Gerald Parker). A former KE cop who got let go when KE lost the contract. The contact feels that Parker is a good guy at heart. Their conversation is cut short by gunshots. Someone wearing Lonestar colors shot at them. - [Clean Up](/docs/Active-Runners/Clean-Up) and Squatch tail the car to the KE Precinct in North Renton. - They manage to record the following conversation: ``` “Hey, I made the ripple we were looking for, a few more of those and I think LoneStar will have no choice to drop the contract and let people who REALLY know how to handle it. Especially with the news report tomorrow, it’s easy work Omae. Almost got away with but some hero cop had to stick his nose in the way. I gunned him down though.” ````
Clean-Up Takes the Call
Every player can tell you where they were when they got the call. I was grabbing a beer at The Last Match When @Killroy was Here calls me outta the blue. Apparently the techie crew needed som physical security. Things had been tense for a while, and I was willing to help however necessary. I was sotting in the interceptor with @C̓ac̓uqḥta when he gets a call from @8Bit (He/Him) telling us to tail a car. We tracked it to the old KE HQ. Not to long afterwards I’m trekking through the sewers to blow a hole in the same HQ to rescue @Hail Storm, someone I barely knew. Kinda like being called up right into the pennant race, I imagine…
- [Big Bad Wolf](/docs/Active-Runners/The-Big-Bad-Wolf) secures footage of Hail Storm confirming he was picked up just outside the Last Match

Day 9 10/16/2022 -- Current Day --


  • Workout calls her Lonestar Contact and secures and agreement to send backup when we are ready to try to save Hail Storm.
  • Slowride negotiates with a ghoul contact for safe passage through the sewers shich we have learned connect to the KE precinct.
  • The Big Bad Wolf made sure everyone was armed with explosives.
  • Squatch headed up our overwatch team and made several calls to contacts to swing things in our favor.

The Hit

Long Shot's Take
Summary: Man... I was so new in town and I didn't know these chummers from adam.... but I found the place posted on the run board. Rain everywhere, hardly any visibility... I ended up following the biggest ork I've ever seen into this KE joint. Right thru a blasted open doorway that looked like the maw to the hell. We scooted thru the building and down into some truly freaky cells where I healed their buddy(another large ork). I heard that one of the groups came in thru the sewers, and they even had a tech team on overwatch clearing the spiders. All this for one dude... Anyway, once he was patched up a bunch of us ex-filed out some ghoul infested tunnels. 10 for 10 on fraggin crazy action. Maybe 4 for 10 on covertness... considering there was LS(OS?) crawling all over the place moments after we busted in.
Fisher and Team Crashcart
Words of my old instructor came in handy. : ,,If you end up in a catastrophy situation, you have to fight fraggin hard to get out of it.” Hail is missing. People are getting emotional but I don't have time for that. Time to fix things. I am grabbing SlowRide and we are getting back to the 405. Perhaps not the best decision of my life. Slow puts down the lobby guy, we storm the place but my tactical mindset gets fogged by the Jazz. I mean, there is a motherfraggin bloodspirit we have to fight! It seemed like ages what was actual seconds. Me and Slow are manouvering around the apartment, shooting this thing seems fruitless, that drek is spittin poison and tries to choke me, we dodge duck and move around. Slow grabs the laptop and dead fraggers head to unlock that retinal scanner but the spirit blocks our way out. I aim at a fire extinguisher next to the door (I still wonder if that was pure luck or Slow's lizard brain intuition to leave it there), shoot it and the blooddrek starts to freeze. Jazz kicks in and I put all my skill and edge into next burst. Full head shot of stick and shock forced that abomination out of this world and we were free. Felt like I was shooting with my third eye. This Seal Team six smash and grab did turn out to be a good call. The PC contained info on the Intel gathering OP which supposedly Azzies were doing. It took us a week of sleepless nights, but we got Hail's location. Multi pronged assault and a tactical masterpiece. We got Hail out, but gathered considerable heat in doing so. I guess you can't have it all when storming an AAA SecCorp HQ. In addition, we learned that there is some large scale black op with double agents, mass murder and blood magic. Now my eyes are set on a map. Freight carrier Sands of Time loaded with antique pyramids is inbound to Europort in a couple of weeks. Catherine Flores is the name of a blood mage loose. David and Goliath fight. Are you fan of underdogs?
Murmur's View
Fraggin hell, this was the first run that I had with you chummers that really cuts me deep. I didn't get to know Hail much before this absolute clusterfrag of a week. But then I started overhearing drek about Azzies and blood magic, I got genuinely scared. And then the attack on the Last Match sents us all in a whirl and I didn't see Hail since. I felt really guilty that everyone around me seems to know what they were doing except me. Fisher and Slow Ride managed to do just about the most action Trid drek you ever see. Capping a motherfraggin BLOOD SPIRIT with STICK N SHOCK! Honestly everything I did after that was just a footnote in comparison. But after cracking open a datapad with useful Intel on Hail's whereabouts, it was time for the Extraction.

I was playing overwatch again with the other Matrix Boys, Wolf, Killroy, and 8 bit. Killroy managed to sleaze through the tough as nails host while we managed to brick both patroling spiders's decks in 60 seconds flat! That was some nova hot matrix shit if I ever saw it

Cont But magic is as magic does. And boy oh boy did we need a mage on our team so badly. Our adapts came in clutch, but when the roof my team was on was set to fucking explode, we were by the skin of our teeth if we didn't get the hell out in time. We barely got out with our lives, leaving behind a trail of task force and cop bodies behind.

We were all metaphorically covered in blood that day, some of us literally. But holy shit.... we did it....we got Hail Storm out AND with everyone alive!

Squatch's Report
Professor Ḥuhtik, Čačimhiḥak , Wiikaḥ čačimhị. As you know when I last called, Hail Storm was taken by Ex-Knight Errant Seattle employees ... who were working out of the basement of the still functional but skeleton staffed KE HQ in Renton. The kidnapping happened after another job that discovered The Heights apartment block had been the scene of some horrible Blood magic ritual ... only to discover later it was a horrifying con job to try to discredit Lone Star (Omnistar Seattle Contract). 12 RunnerNET team members hit up their contacts, tracked his vehicle, and eventually discovered where he was being held captive, then raided the KE HQ threw sewer, back door, and con job with Matrix Overwatch. We successfully freed Hail Storm and ended a few pigs lives. ƛ̓eekoo for asking Thunderbird to enhance the storm, you really hupii. I'm a little fragged up by this one, I feel like I need to do more to protect others on my team...

This is were all the drek hits the fan. Me and Workout called Parker and the fragger meets us at the door to the precinct. We head inside and he monologues bits and pieces of the plan. (See attached data logs) He leads us down to the basement where some fragged up stuff was happening. Torture, experimentation honestly I don’t know what all of that was. While this is happening Workout is getting heated, I mean who wouldn’t be right. Then Parker reveals he knows about the overwatch team and has bombs planted and an invisible strike team headed their way. Workout goes nuts with a flying kick that nearly killed Parker just as the sewer team blows a fragging hole in the wall. Bullets fly and Parker goes down. The two other KE lackeys are taken out in short order including one by Hail Storm himself who manages to draw the power despite his state. As this is happening the rear entry team is also taking action and the overwatch team is dealing with invisible KE punks. As if that wasn’t enough Omnistar rolls in and starts trying to arrest KE. In the Chaos we escape, carrying Hail out on some kind of combat stretcher contraption that Squatch invented. Fragging Hail Storm takes a comm call in the middle of it but whoever it was they hung up quick. Me, well by now you know I have an impulsive streak, I manage to snag Parkers Comms, Keys, and Pistol. A sweet new Eurocar seems like just the ticket to soften the blow when Hail finds out his ride was taken to a chop shop.

Parkers commlink confirmed he was ex KE working with at least some active KE trying to discredit Omnistar. 
Somebody was providing him detailed blood magic instructions and was willing to pay a great deal for Hail Storm.

Too Long; Didn't Read?

Fine then, scan this. -- 8bit


Hail gets picked up just outside The Last Match on Friday 10/7/2082. We don't know it at the time but he's taken by some KE goons. There is a lot of collective legwork but focusing only on results:

The Evil Plot

We learn the Johnson, Gerald Parker, is a former KE cop who got let go when KE lost the contract. He eventually signed on with the Azzies with the idea he'd do some work for them and get a promotion. When it came time to get that promotion, he was passed over. His plan was to create a fake magic ritual/cult situation at 'The Heights' and frame Hail Storm for it and "solve" the crime making Lonestar look bad in a bid to somehow get back to being a cop or to get KE back to the glory days. It is not currently clear if Parker is proAzzie or is trying to get revenge against them as well for passing him over.

The Run

Again with much legwork and fanatastic handling by all the runners we learned Hail is being held in an old KE facility. That facility is connected to some sewer tunnels. We are breaching the target to extract Hail Storm. Runner Teams:

Sewer Team

Slow Ride, Clean Up, House Call, Chatter Box, and Fisher will navigate the sewers with a Ghoul guide. They will breach the KE facility. They may recover Hail and extract through the sewers or cover the other team(s) as they extract. They are the surprise heavy hitters.

Back Door Team

Zooma and Squatch will be trying to breach the rear doors of the facility to split the KE defenders fire. They may recover Hail and extract through one of the exits.

The Bait

Workout and 8-bit will go in the front doors with 8-bit pretending to be turning Workout in for cash. 8-bit has high hopes of talking Parker down and recovering Hail without a fight, Workout may have other ideas. This team may recover Hail and extract him through one of the exits.

Team Overwatch

Killroy was Here Murmur and The Big Bad Wolf are providing overwatch and matrix support.

The Cavalry

Four squad cars of Lonestar Cowboys are headed our way along with a magical storm.

The plan more or less goes off without a hitch -- Workout and 8bit infiltrate via the front door, the sewer and rear teams blow their way in, the overwatch team delivers some clutch Matrix support. We manage to rescue Hail and snag some loot off Parker before the Star arrests all the goons.

In the end it turns out somebody wanted to pay a lot of cash for Hailstorm and was helping Parker summon blood spirits and Parker wanted to discredit Lonestar (now Omnistar) in homes of getting the contract back for KE.