📄️ A Garden of Lies
Mission Type Protect the VIP
📄️ Search and Rescue
Mission Type Search and Rescue
📄️ The Missing Package
Mission Type Search and Rescue
📄️ The Brawl in an Urban Environment
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery
📄️ Big Trouble in Not So Little Seattle
Mission Type Protect the VIP
📄️ Taco Tuesday
Mission Type Tacos
📄️ Das Boot
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery
📄️ Mummified Finger Parts I and II
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery
📄️ Radical Redmond
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Protection Detail
📄️ A Knife in the Back is a Good Payday
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Babysitting(ish)
🗃️ Speaker's Corner
3 items
📄️ The Oncoming Storm
Living Community-Wide Event
📄️ Humanitarian Aid
Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Protection Detail
📄️ Power Moves
Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21) Data Steal
📄️ Vulture Duty
Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Straight Thievery
📄️ Spoiled For Choice
Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21) Data Steal or straight thievery
📄️ Business Trip
Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): White hat (All aspects can be applied, physical, astral, matrix)
📄️ Pop Goes the Weasel
Date & Time30 AM
📄️ Ares Test Fire
Date/Time00 AM 11 hours ago
📄️ An Ocean of Cyberware
Date & Time00 AM
📄️ Intro Missions
Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Various
📄️ The Snohomish Slasher
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Car Trouble
Expected run time 3 hours
📄️ Evo Wants Her Back
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ An Ocean of Cyberware II
Expected run time:2-3 hours
📄️ Schools Out
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Duck it All
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Duck Again
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Velveteen Dream
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Velveteen Daydream
Expected run time 2-3 hours
📄️ Ares Test Fire 2
Date/Time00 AM 11 hours ago
📄️ Hospital Rescue
Expected run time 4 hours
📄️ Well Well Well
Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Data Steal
📄️ Winter Stroll
Players: 2-5
📄️ Sandman
Players: 3 - 5
📄️ Anybody Know How to Change a Tire
Players: 2-5
📄️ It's All Fragged
Players: 2-5
📄️ Urban Brawl(room) Blitz
Mission Type: Urban Brawl Match
📄️ Glow City Bounty
Bounty Hunting I
📄️ Better Life Through Chemistry
Date and Time of run30 PM
📄️ Redmond Rumble
Date and Time: Impromptu - ASAP
📄️ Toy Trouble
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ Steal A Thing
Improptu00 PM
📄️ Subtle Itch
Players: 3-5
📄️ Away in Under a Minute
Players: 3-6
📄️ Stolen Memories
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ Mr Grinch
Players: 3-6
📄️ Sandman 2
Date & Time30 AM
📄️ Sub Zero
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ Echo of a Scream
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ What Kind of Jerk Kidnaps Santa Claus
Players: 3-5
📄️ Five Finger Discount
Players: 3 - 5
📄️ A Very Shadowrun Christmas After
DM: @Cosmos (She/Her)
📄️ Let It Snow
Scenario Title: Let it snow
📄️ Chinese No Takeout
Scenario Title: Chinese No-Takeout
📄️ Disappearing Acts
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ Rat Den
Players: 3 - 4
📄️ New Years Escape
Scenario Title: New Years Escape
📄️ Stealing it Back
Players: 3-4
📄️ Witness Protection Program
Players: 3-4
📄️ Glow City Eviction
Players: 4-5
📄️ Bounty Hunt II
Players: 3 - 5
📄️ Ring In The New Year
Players: 3-8
📄️ Couples Retreat
Players: 4-5
📄️ Redneck Ingenuity
Date/Time00 PM
📄️ Conspiracy Takedown
Date/Time00 PM
📄️ Concert Fiasco
Scenario Title: Concert Fiasco (Q1 event)
📄️ No Parking
Players: 4-7
📄️ The First Rule of Fight Club
Mission Type: Datasteal
📄️ Outside Jurisdiction
Date/Time00 PM
📄️ Shadows of Green
Players: 3-5
📄️ Mad House
Date and Time of Session :
📄️ Ron's Swan Song
Run TIme: 3-4 Hours
📄️ Get-Dam-Info
Scenario Title: Get The Dam Info
📄️ Damage-Control
Scenario Title: DAMage Control
📄️ Keys to the Kingdom
Scenario Title: Keys to the Kingdom
📄️ Benzin
Friday, January 20, 2023 2:15 PM
📄️ Northern Approach
Date/Time00 PM 8 days ago
📄️ Those That Were Missed
Threat Level: Moderate
📄️ Another Bug Bites The Dust
Date and time of run00 PM
📄️ Don't Make It Weird
Date and time of run00 PM
📄️ Roll That Beautiful Footage
Scenario Title: Roll that Beautiful Footage
📄️ Till Midnight
Threat Level: Moderate
📄️ Bounty Hunt III
Date15 PM
📄️ Action // Reaction
Players: 3-4
📄️ Just Evelyn
Players: 4-5
📄️ Rolling the Dice
Date00 PMa day ago