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Steal A Thing

Improptu: December 15, 2022 9:00 PM Players 2-8 Length: 3-4 hours Type: Theft


Johnson wants you to steal the thing. Specifically, this is a magical book kept in a library.


Threat Level: Medium


To the Great Archivist, I hope this entry pleases you

"Steal a Thing, that's simple enough. How many times have runners been hired to go steal drek that isn't theres. Paydata, drone prototypes, people. It's all one n the same for Mr. J. Well fortunately we were hired to steal something rather mundane (in a figurative sense): a spellbook of sorts. The guy was a bit sleazy and a bit too chummy but whatevz chummer a jobs a job. So apparently this Ork shaman got his drek stolen by some fraggin elven UCAS loyalists that weren't exactly happy that a trog was doing mojo. So far I'm on the J's side in this story. Location's simple enough, had to roll down to Belview, do a lil B&R and badda bing Bada boom, we golden. First problem though, it Belview and my SIN's good as drek. Luckily the security was pretty lax that day and the guy barely saw me on account of having a big ol Troll taking up much of his view. We roll in to the target and do some recon. So far so good house is clear, but damn no sign of the book. Do a little digging and turns out there was an illegal boxing match happening in their back yard

Dreks behind a Faraday cage and we weren't exactly gonna go in there without some good Intel. Off to slumber land I go as I and Hermes my sprite dug in while 8 bit and Tinker were scoping out the th place with their drones and Mr. T checking out the astral. Host was a cakewalk to get inside, as we're the initial files detailing this little underground fight. Drek looks ugly, the kind of stuff you send barren kids in pretending it's their ticket to the big leagues when in reality it was a fraggin slaughter house. A little more probing and lo and behold what I am greeted with admits a wall of juicy files




I was like alright sure I can handle these. A little shimmy a little tuck as I slowly strip away the volatile code. The fighter list and the file called "magical prizes" were null sweat. Apparently they were gonna give the book Mr. J wanted as a prize of sorts. No probs I just need to put Tank and Mr. T in as fighters and we can just wrestle our way to the top ranks. None of these fighters seem to have any real fighting experience. But it was the fraggin Bidding file that was a fraggin HUGE PAIN. Let's just say I was fortunate I was running cold sim. I felt my soul left my body for a while as I was dunpshocked hard. Thankfully 8bit patched me up alright and had to stay in the ride while the real fighters came in to Nick the book.

What the young bloods lack in experience they had in tenacity. Adepts and razor babies entered the ring one by one. And one by one they were taken down. Too bad no nuyen got to be exchanged on account of the bookie's book getting bricked (Hmm maybe that wasn't such a bad thing after all). The biggest problem was that halfway through the match, we realized that the book wasn't going to be offered until like tomorrow or something. We were like frag that. And while Tank and Tinker was busy doing their thing, ol Mr. T with that 5 finger discount managed to swipe the book out from the lodge. No mages or spirits to hold us back. It was a simple in and out operaaaaaaaait- a minute. The cops are scrambled. Frag we gotta get outta here before we get on the hook for being part of an illegal dogfight. We had to pull up all the stops with our cop contacts, making sure we keep the heat off of us ASAP We just booked it and by the grace of God Tinkerer clinched with his impeccable rigger skills. Getting the frag out of dodge null sweat.

After managing to comb through the rest of the data I pulled, apparently Bratson or whatever was like "Oh yeah Mr. J was hesitant about selling this book but after a while of convincing we managed to get it off his hands for a fair price." Figured it was a load of hot drek so I called up the guy saying "yo we got the thing, could you believe what they were saying about you, how you 'sold' the book to them and not just stole it?" Mr. J gave one of those fake laughter like "oh y-yeah totes"

...Sonnabitch, fragger did sold the book, and wanted runners to steal it back. I mean whatever, a hustle is a hustle I guess. We have the book back for the payment and managed to get some decent new contacts along the way. And now I desperately need some Tylenol.

Murmur signing out