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Radical Redmond

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Protection Detail

Players: 2-4

Date and Time of run: Oct. 1 18:00 UTC

Expected Session Length: 3-5 hours


You are hired to run protection for a nova hot matrix star shooting a Travelblog in a depressing part of Redmond. Something about runners being more authentic than security.

Ah what can I say about the drekhead Radical Richard that hasn't already been said. Honestly, I actually found the run refreshing compared to the last one. Although when you try to break into the Pyramid, shits seems way more pleasant by comparison. No task force out to get us, no sneaking into heavily fortified compounds, just babysit some nova hot matrix star as we your the barrens. But ghost dammit, the man has a constitution of a wet noodle and just as intelligent. It's amazing what the Corp world considers legit talent these days. Least it was fun hacking his cybereyes to make the Ork ganger look like some hideous spider spirit thing.

But the real kick to the fucking balls was when the dickfuck decided to give ungodly amounts of grief to a poor troll kid who hacked one of his camera drones for fun. Motherfucker was across the block from him and I had to go fetch the stupid drone for Richard. Only for him to turn around and outright threaten to shoot the kid in the face for stealing his toys. We were this close to turning Richard into minced meat that day. But cooler heads prevailed and we managed to get the fragger back to his Corp daddy so they can edit the shit out of the clusterfuck that was that run.

Least the kid's nice. Hey Jonas, if you somehow are reading this, keep up the good work for your grandma. I believe in you. And don't worry, I made sure Richard's most embarrassing moments are kept safe, burrie deep in the Matrix. -- Murmur
Fisher's Tale

Alright, hands down straight, I lost my cool. But let’s take it from the top. Protection detail for some blogger kid from AGS, employed by an old continent media power house, DeMeKo. Vultures. The whole point of life for this kid is to go into places where life is tough and make fun of it. I don’t like that at all. Life is drek and than you die. No point in makin it worse. But this brat vividly enjoyed insulting hard skinned Redmond folk. The best part was that he was going around with a bunch of drones while there was a gang drug kitchen right next door. I got Zooma covering my six and two technos taking flanks. Not the most optimal combat team when you are trying to face Kamikaze stone fisted trolls chargin at ya, but the tech support proved to be invaluable. We identified threat zones and agreed that we will navigate Richard through some less dangerous areas. All was going smoothly. We avoided an ambush, scared some punks with rusty knives away and were on our way out. Did get into some minor skirmish towards the end because Radical Brat needed to laugh into Kamikaze troll’s face. But than it happened. One of his drones got hacked away. Murmur flew it back but there was this young hacker kid Jonas, who just wanted to keep the drone so he can learn something new. The response of this fragger was asking us to geek the kid. Like how much of piece of a drek metahuman being you have to be to even consider this?! That’s when I went off and beyond what a professional runner should do. The brat drekked his pants full, but got butthurt in the process and my team had a lot of work to do to save that situation. I just could not handle it anymore. In the end, we got payed, but man that was close. Hey, at least I can walk out of this one with a clean moral shield. Quite rare from me isn’t it? We send some RunnerNet scholarship to the kid and called it a day. I hope the kid is alright. Should visit him soon.