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Redmond Rumble

Date and Time: Impromptu - ASAP Mission Type: Good old fashioned fight Venue: Roll20 and Discord Players: As many as I can get Expected Length: 3-4 hours Threat: Medium.


Halloweeners are terrorizing on turf that doesn't belong to them. The locals are begging for help. A local streetdoc is willing to pay you to chase them away and give him some peace.


Threat Level: Medium


A good old fashioned gang fight. I pulled up to the fight late, but just in time to run overwatch and threat analyze things. Longshot is more invisible than anybody else has ever been in the history of magic. The new guy, Ivory, seems like quite a fighter.

IN the end we resolve the issue at gun point and scare the ganger's mage straight.

Not to bad for an honest days work.