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The Brawl in an Urban Environment

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Aug. 14 18:00 UTC


Gonna guess it has something to do with Urban Brawl

The J hires us to clear out a section of the barrens of anyone that didn't take the ISSV's payoff to vacate their respective squats. They didn't specify how, so it was "death or diplomacy", our call. We did a sweep, and found a squatter null sweat because I threw every drone I had with me to scan the sprawl. A stubborn dwarf that decided to pull a shotgun on us. Granted, I wasn't terribly courteous, and maybe I should've let ||name redacted|| do the talkin', being a face and all. But she did manage to get his shotgun away from him.

Next order of business was some kind of parking garage-turned-club. ||name redacted|| couldn't figure out what it was on any matrix search, so we had to investigate the old fashioned way. I was worried we were about to walk into some swinger bar where wageslaves blow off steam by swappin' wives and husbands or... some other latex-fueled kinks. It's been a dry spell for me, what can I say?

So next thing we know, we find ourselves walkin' into a fragging 5th world sub-basement full of ghouls to try and find a way to get them out. Yeah, I know. This should have been an easy solution, but it turns out one of those ghouls is a doctor that helps the locals out. Seemed a waste of talent to me is all, eating habits notwithstandin'. But we... took care of the problem just the same. All I'll say to you lot about the rest of the story is this - Always consider an option B before pulling the trigger on option A. You might end up with a decent contact out of someone you only thought of as a hostile that needs geekin'.

And ya know what? That option B was a pretty fraggin' good move, because that doc? He saved our hoops a lot of trouble later. -Slow Ride