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Business Trip

Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): White hat (All aspects can be applied, physical, astral, matrix)

Players: 3-5

Date and Time of run: Nov 12th 12:00PM Eastern

Expected Session Length: 5-7 hours


Threat Level: High


Herr Brackhaus has a lucrative business proposition for you that involves all inclusive travel to an "exotic" location half the globe away.

Cosmos' Thoughts

So I get this call from my fixer John. He wants us to meet a Mr. Brackhaus about a security issue in a factory in Germany. Apparently this individual wants us to test security in his facility and determine what vectors someone can use to compromise the data in the facility. He was willing to pay bank, plus an extra tip per point of entry we could expose. Part of the payment was for 2 weeks, we could live in the lap of luxury and have a tidy expense account to boot. Needless to say, we took the job. Apparently I have an effect on people that makes them think of me fondly. After the meeting, I think I have a fan ..... and not in a good way...... Remind me to get a new com-code when this is all done. Anyways, off to Germany. I didn't speak the language at the time so I hit the books and picked up some linguasoft while we flown cargo to Germany. I'm not saying I'm fluent now, but I can hold a conversation in the native language now. So we spend a day getting to know the area, setting up surveillance, and getting putting faces to names. We get some critical information about the staff as well as some client information and I see my opportunity to apply as an intern for the sales department. First point of entry taken care of. I schmooze my way into the HR department and am hired immediately to intern for the client in Chile due to my familiarity with that part of the world and the language. I get to know the ropes for a while and I volunteer for the night shift. Entry secured. I chat with the department head of IT and find the guy really needs a vacation. This poor, overworked soul is so tired he falls asleep at the wheel (with a bit of help from a dose of Narcojet, and some invisibility on a team mate) A Mind probe gets me some critical information, but I take his comlink and rfid tags just in case I need them. With some mojo, I make my way into the IT server office and break my way through a pretty intense mana barrier. Thanks to a cable I got from a team mate, we used a data tap on two of the server and ran a wire outside the room to bypass the faraday cage. At first our technomancers try to diffuse some data bombs and it decided now was a perfect time to blow up. A stimp patch or two later, we decide to check the comlink I looted from our IT director and walla, security keys. If maybe I had some matrix know-how I would have checked it first. Anyways, we steal the data and I wander my invisible self back to the restroom where I am almost caught red handed. One thing I am good at is lying. She suggests to me that going into the IT office after falling for a fishing scam is a firable offense. I guess I am fired. She takes my stuff and relieves me of duty. Too bad we already got the data. Before we left, we went on a shopping spree and I got some new fancy threads in Cologne's latest fashion. We square things up with the Johnson, get paid, and call it a week. Tough gig, but we had the right tools for the right job. Mission Success.

Big Bad Wolf's Report

Summary: We got an all expenses paid trip to the AGS! Those German lessons I've been taking finally paid off!

The target was this factory that produces meshes of all things, and the Brackhaus wanted us to put its security to the test. The result? Laughable. Cosmos got a job as a marketing intern without even going through the application process! With our gal on the inside, we found a way of getting access to all their private and confidential data without having to fight their hosts' firewalls and IC. Of course, finding a way is one thing, actually using it is another.

I helped Fisher get into the car belonging to their head of IT - a task that should not have been as easy as it was. Then, as the head of IT drove off, Fisher stuck some narcojet into the poor guy's neck. This let us get a hold of his commlink and we got the passcode to the server room. We got what we needed from him and let his car take him home safely to his wife and kids. Hey, we may be ruthless shadowrunners doing our jobs, but we're not murderous sadists!

Cosmos used her magic and the IT guy's information to get into the server room and then used a couple of data taps and burner commlinks to jury rig an extended data tap. This gave Smogg and me a way in to their file servers where we started looking for some juicy data. Only problem is, all the interesting files had data bombs on them, and data bombs hurt. A lot. I blacked out for a moment when one exploded in my face, but Fisher was on hand to keep me awake.

(Continued below) But you know what Smogg found on the IT guy's commlink? A list of passwords to defuse all but the biggest data bombs and decrypt the files they were attached to! Getting some evidence for the Brackhaus to show what weaknesses the facility's security had was a piece of cake. We weren't even bothered by any of their Matrix security measures like IC or spiders. What a fraggin' joke!

In the end, we exploited so many security flaws that the Brackhaus had to give us a bonus. Man, I can almost smell that new bike.