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Ares Test Fire 2

Date/Time: November 6, 2022 11:00 AM 11 hours ago Session Length: 3 hours - HARD Stop at 2:00 PM. That means no dice rolling and the GM narrates anything outstanding based on the characters decisions up to that point.


Threat Level: Moderate


The SAME corporate Ares agent is asking you to test out some new non-lethal rounds. They'd like you to go to a location in the Puyallup Barrens and test out their rounds on some squatters at an old Ares facility. There is a bonus if you safely escort an Ares technician along with you to collect "field expedient data."


Runners were contacted via AR for a meeting in VR with an Ares Johnson about testing prototype weapons. Johnson was very straight forward verbally, testing prototype gel rounds on denizens of the Redmond Barrens, but some people didn't believe it was as simple of a task as the Johnson was leading it to be. Spoke with the Tech Consultant Ramon about what exactly we were testing the ammunition to do. Received Pie Graphs and charts that Tinkerer took still photos of. During the trip to the barrens, Tinker and Polaris analyzed the photos of the data, learning that the gel rounds were tracking RFIDs, and were not stun rounds, but a very low acting toxin that only Ares had the antidote for. Cosmos reached out to her contact in the Redmond Barrens to warn the kids about the incoming testing, and that they should hide. During the ammo pickup, Cosmos received communication that her contact's location was being overrun with Renraku agents looking for Ares test subjects. We decided to use this as an opportunity to run the test on the Renraku agents instead of the denizens of the area. The team went into the home of Cosmos's contact, which ended up being a teenager, and was living with other teenagers in the building. Cosmos lead the strike team with Small Unit Tactics, and the team took out the right half of the building with speed and efficiency. Polaris noticed the hostiles on the other half of the building attempting to escort the remaining teenagers out of the building and reported the information to the team. The Renraku agents were cut off by the team that held the rear of the team, and eventually the rest of the team. Learned that the agents were going for the teenagers, who were escaped Ares test subjects. Some people made contacts with the Renraku team leader and some with the teenagers themselves. Contacted Ares Johnson, who was angry that we did not hunt the children, but since we completed the task, we were paid.