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Das Boot

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Sept. 10 16:00 UTC


Mr. Johnson "lost" something and needs you to retrieve it for them. From the bottom of Puget Sound.

We got a job from a J to do a little scuba diving! Who said this life doesn't come with new, amazing experiences? Well, I had to stay on the boat. But I'm sure it would have been pretty flash to see it all, though.

So this J lost a boat in Puget Sound. They had some things in said boat they needed. Some hard drive and a few kilos of novacoke or some drek. I don't know. So, we had to gear up for an underwater extraction. Wetsuits, oxygen tanks, all that. So ||name redacted||, ||name redacted|| and ||name redacted|| all go underwater, and ||name redacted||, ||name redacted|| and I are stuck on the boat, watchin' out for the local authority.

Ya know what we get instead? Some big-ass water lizard that seems to be hungry for yours truly. Why does the rigger always seem to get all the aggro? The fraggin' thing (I found out later it's called a Blackwater Serpent) nearly took my damn arm off, but luckily Rover laid down some cover for me long enough for ||name redacted|| to stuff a stun grenade into a fish and feed it to the monster. Luckily we had ||name redacted|| with us, a new guy that used to be a combat medic, or else I'd be sportin' a second chrome arm. We made our drop, and got the creds. I think I'll pass on scuba diving for a while. -Slow Ride

>Professor Ḥuhtik, >Čačimhiḥak , čačimhimaḥ. >The latest job took place in SSC territorial waters. It was a dive to recover the "black box" chips of a drug smuggler's sunken ship and its cargo as a bonus. The Mrs J granted us favour (12K) at Big Fanny's Dive Shop thanks to Workout's smooth talking and we got a plan for the dive in place, then got a ride with Bravo Zulu's, the best pirate of Lake Michigan, spider leg Sunrunner. The dive resulted in attracting some attention even though it was just a fishing trip and Smogg was at the center of both getting the SSC Ranger Patrol to leave us be and the catch of the day, a Saltwater Serpent that nearly ate Slow Ride's arm but we also encouraged it to eat a fish stun grenade and thus we returned to Seattle wet and successful, after the divers Fisher, Workout, and House Call dealt with a mermaid and Pacific Emperor Crab at 100m. House Call was a wiz with the medkit too. >The after party was amazing, got to know the others really well, the Orcs really know how to have a ƛuł time, never in my wildest dreams did I think that would happen. - C̓ac̓uqḥta
Fisher's Tale

Navigator’s log:

Fortuna, lady luck was shining on that day. The Triad needed a salvage operation to pick up a lost cargo and some evidence buried on the bottom of the Puget Sound. A smuggler cigar boat broke in half for unknown reason and sunk. 100 meters dive with Salish rangers close by is difficult, but not impossible. . Such a dive is a costly operation so proper logistic and manpower planning was high in demand. What we failed to take into consideration was the actual transport vessel. Don’t get me wrong the SunRunner is a solid boat but for all of us it was dangerously cramped. In addition the pilot was, well, his street credit was inflated more than a Zodiac full of Seals. My diving partner Workout was sexy AND deadly, so that part was smooth. The bad part was the warning from a sea dweller. My intuition was telling me something is coming, but I wanted to get the fragg out of there because the Salish boys were lurking. Yeah, now when I think of it, we should have cut those ropes and reposition the vessel. The several metric tons of awakened ocean meat payed us a visit and SlowRide almost lost his limb and some. But clutch creative thinking from one of my teammates, Squatch, and a dedicated medic HouseCall saved our booties and we were able to sail safely back to the harbour. Very solid payday. I think I should run for the triad more. Their boss seems like a tasty dumpling too.