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· 28 min read

As RunnerNET lives and grows our rules may change from time to time. Some things that will never change:


Community Rules:

  1. No use of slurs of ANY kind.
  2. Do NOT talk down about individuals. If you've got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
  3. Try to keep swearing down to a minimum.
  4. No Bullying. We have some VERY new people to roleplaying, new to Shadowrun, and new to SR6. Do NOT pick on them or make fun of them. We are here to learn and grow together while playing in a world/system that we love.
  5. Overt negativity about a particular edition of the game, company which owns/licensed/has owned/has licensed the IP is not welcomed. Let's move on.
  6. Anyone caught breaking any of these rules, with the exclusion of rule #1, will get a warning before being removed from the community. If continued issues occur, you will be removed. If anyone breaks rule #1 you will be automatically removed.
