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It's All Fragged

Players: 2-5 Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Extraction (of your decker) original job was a datasteal (that job got fragged though) Expected length: 3 hours Venue: roll20 Challenge level: High Threat


It seemed like a milk run, break the decker inside the corp building, cover him while he got the data, exfiltrate. But it all went to Drek. Your flash new decker "SnapShot"? he's dead, brain fried by whatever he touched. Your rigger outside on overwatch, had to bolt, HTR is inbound HOT. You are on the top floor of the corp building and HTR is about to land on the Roof. If you can survive the next few hours of your life, you can maybe sell the paydata Snapshot got before he got fried, Your original plan to smash out the window looks a lot less viable now that the Cowboys have the building circled.

Oh just one wrinkle, the paydata is locked on SnapShot's datalock and the chummer was going on and on about the auto delete if his body is tampered with. You must get your geeked pal out with you if you want your payday

Trying something different on this run, we are starting from the moment the runners realized they are in deep drek and seeing if they can manage a way out. All roles are welcome to apply even if you are a decker or a rigger, but all characters remaining are inside the building with the team.


Threat Level: High