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Mummified Finger Parts I and II

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Straight Thievery

Players: 6

Date and Time of run: Sept, 17 16:00 UTC


Mr. Johnson is specifically requesting runners who possess "moral flexibility" and aren't afraid of curses.

Big Bad Wolf
Summary: The six of us met up with Mr. Bale and were told about the job. The severed finger of St. Rafael Moralez was inside a glass ball inside a reliquary being held in St. James' Cathedral for a few days. If we got that finger into Mr. Bale's hands, we got paid. If the church didn't realise the finger had been stolen, we got paid more. So we made plans and preparations.

The plan? First, we would deploy smoke grenades subtly to convince the congregation there was a fire in the church. At the same time, we would lock certain doors to force the panicking crowd to pass by the altar the relic was resting on. Then, we would use the cover of the crowd to remove the glass ball with St. Rafael's finger from the reliquary and swap in a glass ball with the finger of John Doe. We could then flow with the crowd and slip away with the saint's finger and the church would be none the wiser.

But of course, no plan survives contact with the enemy. In this case, the enemy was a priest so swift he had to be either Awakened or on Kami. We got the churchgoers to do what we wanted, but before any of us could get our hands on the relic, he grabbed it and ran away! Next thing I know, we're fighting him, the church's security 'templars', and a spirit known only as the Angel of Death! I did what I could to delay reinforcements - it's bad enough we were fighting those guys, the last thing we needed was more of them.

Cont. In the end, we did successfully get the saint's finger and replace it with the fake, so we did technically meet the Johnson's requirements for both regular and bonus pay. However, in the process, we may have accidentally geeked the priest. With the church's attention on this death (and therefore not on the relic), we thought Mr. Bale would be happy with a job well done. But when he gave us our pay, including the bonus, he did so rather begrudgingly.

That clergyman who ended up as collateral damage? Turns out he was very vocally anti-Aztech, so the prevailing theory was that Aztech ordered a hit on him. And our Johnson? He had ties to Aztech, so he almost landed in hot water because of us. Not to mention that Angel of Death warned us that we would pay for our sins. Fortunately, the spirit was generous enough to offer an opportunity to atone, though only a couple of us took that opportunity. But that's another story for another time.

>Professor Ḥuhtik, >Čačimhiḥak , čačimhimaḥ. >Fraggin' Catholics. Didn't mean to, really wasn't expecting those results from a stun grenade but not exactly sorry I did, just have to be more careful with grenades in the future, there were extenuating circumstances, like a Angel of Death trying to slice Workout into pieces. Well, that's another job for Christian Bale done, really quite the interest he has in objects related to the astral, we fully have more than just suspicion they are Aztechnology now, this might be the last time I take one of his jobs, this one really gives me the creeps, like if we keep feeding this beast, the curses are just going to get worse and I can't have that blow back on our efforts to fix Qʷayac̓iik and your plan for our nation, let alone my new friends at The Last Match. You know how hard it is for me to make friends. - C̓ac̓uqḥta

Mummified Finger Two: Penitent Boogaloo

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Extraction

Players: 6

Date and Time of run: TBD


BigBadWolf and Smogg work to free Lucien Chevalier the Templar that was incarcerated thanks to their actions in part 1.

After first trying to deck in and change prison records they opted instead for digging up dirt on the DA. Using what they found Smogg, through a contact, was able to blackmail the DA into freeing Lucien.

In order to atone for your sins, you must help the church bust a certain Templar out of Lone Star's holding cells.

Only available to runners from part 1

Big Bad Wolf's Take
After the run where we got Mr. Bale his special finger, most of the team were fine with the Angel of Death's wrath hanging over their heads like the sword of Damocles, but Smogg and I weren't so keen. To make things all square with the angel, we had to bust one of the church's templars out of a Lone Star prison. Well, 'bust' is a bit of a strong word for what we did.

At first, we thought we could hack the prison records to let the man go free. Hey, we're both wiz hackers, of course hacking's gonna be our first plan! Well, there turned out to be a couple of problems with that: one, the prison records were on a secure host nested inside the prison's admin host, and two, they were duplicated on another secure host nested inside the court's admin host. All in all, we'd have to hack four hosts and make the changes at the same time.

I tried to tackle the court front but that host was fragging tough! I couldn't get a damn thing done there except find out which attorney was taking on the templar's case. Luckily, we were able to do some digging around and find out about this attorney's ... well, we found some dirt on her that we could use to blackmail her. I'm not so good at the blackmailing myself, but Smogg knew a Triad guy who was good at that sort of thing.

So in the end, the templar went free and the Angel of Death promised to tell the rest of his spirit buddies that we're cool now. No cred for either of us, but this ain't the kinda run you do for cred. -- Big Bad Wolf