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Car Trouble

players: 2-4

Expected run time 3 hours


Description: So you took the job guarding this van because, it's easy money riding shotgun for some "unnamed cargo. " The only downside was a quick trip over into NAN territory. Everything is going smoothly, all of your SIN's checked, the weather has been amazing. You even got to see the backside of Mt Rainer on the return trip... when the trouble started…

The Situation: Your runner will start this mission with Legwork and Negotiations already completed. Your only job is to make it back to Seattle in one piece. The Johnson provided transportation and identification from Seattle, to Union Gap and back. Transportation is a Rigger named Digger, and his aging Ford Fortress 6 Passenger Van. During the return trip the electric turbine in the van started making terrible vibrating/thrashing sounds and you were forced to pull in to a small stuffer shack located in a small back woods town called "Greenwater"

8bits Summary

Car Trouble Run Rewards for Car Trouble GM: Longshot Players: Impulse Noodle 8Bit (He/Him) Duration: 3.5 hours 5 Karma, 5000 nuyen, +1 Rep, 0 Heat Contact: John Johnson 4/1 -+1fp +2FP Stan, Kevin, Clem The Backwoods Boys / Survivalists / Conn 5 (Mt Rainer Area Only) +1 FP John Johnson / Johnson / Conn 4 The team spent a few frantic hours in a small community called Greenwater getting into some trouble as their Rigger repairs his van.

Scan this, the real job in the SSC went off without a hitch. It wasn’t till the ride back where things start to get dicey. The riggers van breaks down and we pull into a Stuffer Shack to make some repairs. My new chummer Noodle (the 20 foot long snake man) slithers out first and scares the drek out of some country boys (Stan Kevin and Clem). Luckily they don’t decide he’s a threat and we get to poking around in an abandoned garage for something to fix the van with. Impulse, the floaty mage, and Noodle go right to the back while I am poking around an old wreck when suddenly we are attacked by some kind of magic dog things. Luckily Impulse dodges like something out of a cheesy martial arts trid and Noodle is no slouch. Dogs down we noticed they have some weird collars on. We get the part we need when suddenly the parking lot is overrun by ghouls also with weird collars on. Swarmed by Ghouls I take cover and open fire, Noodle is overrun on the other side of the lot and Impulse is in the middle. Things are looking bleak until it occurs to me that if I could get to safety I could probably frag these things in the Matrix… I should have figured that out faster but hey what can I say it was a long day. Impulse floats me to a secure spot and I immediately get to work frying some RCCs that appear to be controlling the ghouls. Whoever the big bad was, they got away. In the end we made a decent contact for the area, in the “Backwoods Boys” and got some pretty terrible but great hats. Something is going on out there though, Bio drones? In the middle of nowhere? Getting to the bottom of this is definitely on my to do list.