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Rat Den

Players: 3 - 4 Mission Type: Wetwork And Destruction Date and time of run: Sunday, January 1, 2023 9:00 PM Expected length: 3 Hours Venue: roll20 Challenge level: Medium/High

"Seeking experienced team for hazardous combat retrieval mission in Tacoma. Must be able to handle high-pressure situations and have strong combat skills. Some technical expertise a plus. Contact for more details."

((Disclaimer regarding Wetwork, the mission does involve killing, it isn't an assassination job it is more of a Shadowrun Dungeon Crawl where some metahuman threats need eliminating))


Threat Level: Moderate


Synopsis: Our group was wired to convince a local gang, "The Trash Rats," to cease, desist, and otherwise stop doing things that upset the Johnson and get his "special weapons" back. The Johnson specifically requested that they be "eliminated." Longshot has some reservations but he decided to go along and see if he could talk any of the gangers into turning away from their life of crime, and try and redeem their lives elsewhere. (Cont) We entered the sewers and immediately encountered a group of 7 Trash Rats. Kilroy opened by doing his Matrix Heuristics thing. Next up Longshot fumbled throwing his flying eye drone over the largest group of enemies and had it chase the enemies with the Flash-Pak on. Yoshi and Zooma started blasting away, Longshot dove for cover, and Kilroy started flying around the room with his Dragonfly shooting stuff with some special Krime rounds. The group was quickly dispatched. Several of them surrendered and Longshot took the opportunity to scare them straight. The mage told us that her and her friends were part of the Jackrabbit crew, but since they were weak they were taken over by the Trash Rats. She continued and told the group that the new leader was using the special weapons on the ghouls. It caused the ghouls to go crazy, and start killing one another. Longshot told her as a magically active person she should definitely get out of the sewers and make a decent life for herself… Continuing on the team traveled deeper into the sewers. The party ran into a group of ghouls who were hunting the "Trash Rats" in the tunnels and would help the runners as long as we turned over all of the "special weapons" to them. The team declined, they were going to turn in the "special weapons" to the johnson. Further into the sewers the team stumbled across the "Trash Rats." The Leader "Shredder" started towards us, but Longshot slammed him to the ground with a well placed "Blast" spell. Then cast Invisibility on Yoshi. Kilroy started hacking the opfor's cyberware, and was even able to brick "Shredders" wired reflexes. Zooma rushed up and obliterated all of the enemy soldiers with a well placed stun grenade. Yoshi invisibly stalked up to Shredder, placed his Ares on the back of his head, and pulled the trigger. We turned the stuff in to the Johnson and they were pleased.