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An Ocean of Cyberware

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 8:00 AM

players: 3-5

Expected run time:2-3 hours Mission Type: Theft


Threat Level: Low to Moderate


Mr. Johnson is looking for a group of runners to get his hands on some prototype cyberware. He's willing to meet at a place of his choosing to discuss the details. -Possible triggers - Violence

8bits Action Report

[][][]----Secure logging enabled -- file encryption deployed. This was an interesting run, some new faces and some old. The technoshaman Murmur and I on Matrix duty, Fish running point with a pair of new chummers Havok and BD. BD was quiet and an excellent shot. Havok was an all rounder, good with a gun, good with gear, she may be one to watch out for.

Mission was pretty straight forward, met the J at a Chinese restaurant. Simple enough meet, steal a prototype cyberpiece, 3 days to prep, return with the item. I managed to outline the difficulties of the plan and secured some extra pay. We did a quick recon and determined the facility was a small one with sewer access. We managed to work our way in through the sewers after bribing a gang that was there. From there is was a matter of trudging through disgusting sewers fighting devil rats and just like that we were in the facility.

Working directly with Murmur was interesting. The Techno approach is just so different from my own. We hacked through the facility, incapacitated a guard, and stole the prototype as well as some pay data.

the device itself seemed like a failed prototype thought the pay data was potentially interesting.

In the end the job went off without a hitch.

Fisher's Log

Navigator's log

Mr.J looks for a group of pros to get back his piece of new cyber. Someone stole it from him. We get to the meet, discussions went smooth, we do our prep. Seems we are working for Evo and the target is Ares facility. The word out on the street is that Evo was developing new piece of data Jack, but schematics got out and Ares now is doing testing if the prototype is actually worth it. The time limit is 3 days. Direct approach is gonna be difficult. There is pretty solid security incluidng a spider and some thicc boys at the door around the clock. But there is also a sneaky way in. The classic, sewers. If we time this right, we can even dodge the spider as she also has to sleep sometime, can't be on a longhaul for ever. 0400 we approach the sewers entry. Bunch of Ravagers are dealing drugs and hanging out as we want to go in. I wasn't messin around, so I showed up with my Third Eye but politely asked for a passage. We pay tolls and as good customers tip a bit extra for the mute orphanage house, so those who can't talk will have something to eat as well. Thankfully, as nice drug addict boys spill some info on big bad rats down in the sewers. One chummer did not make it out alive recently...I wonder if rats gets high if they eat junkies. Sewers, thermographic vision and full auto was the name of our little jazz quintet playin a quick and dirty improvisation down there. We shred, guts flyin, we smell real bad.Just a regular day of a runner. The problem starts when we are supposed to sneak by a sleepy guard. Everyone stinks and that makes the sneak all so difficult. But Fisher went shopping. Ou yeah I wanted to test this little crossbow anyway. Take aim, hold and bam, straight to the jugular. Ou boy this guy is gonna sleep for a couple days more. In the end, there was a little holo pup guarding the terminal, but our matrix team was super solid. Everything suppressed, hacked, silenced. 8Bit hacks away at the terminal, gets the schematics as well as the name of a mole planted inside EVO. Someone will have a bad day. Havoc finds an infobroker for the paydata, we hand out schematics back to the J and get a good word out to boost our rep besides nice cash. I still want to know how Murmur does that tactical coordination, man that is so powerful. Like his brain is an MTOC or whatever. No wonder all the corp wants to open Otakus brain like a can of pineapple. I will be keeping an eye on this guy, he is a solid dude and it would be pity to loose this mofo.