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Taco Tuesday

Mission Type Tacos

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Aug. 24 00:00 UTC


Mr. Johnson wants you to risk your life for money. And maybe tacos.

o be very honest, I wasn't much involved in the actual run. 
I got to hang out in the back of Killroy's ride while offering Matrix Overwatch.
It was my first run for the chummers at The Last Match, and I was playing substitute.
Still, it was pretty nice helping my mates jump through the hoops as I cracked security
and tagged Aztech forces while the real heros got to work "cleaning up the mess" for Mr. Johnson.
The golden Taco was a bonus. -- Murmur
Fisher's Tale

Navigator’s log:

Olga Mærsk harbours in Seattle, Port of Tacoma. My half year contract is over and now I have time for myself and my own ‘self-employment’ endeavours. The first one happened on 23rd of August 2081. Local contact named Mr.Tex is searching for a diversion team. Sneaky mofo offered a rifle, full body armour and a couple of grands to storm the Aztech Pyramid. Well what an introduction to Seattle. Thankfully my team was super solid. Legwork was complex, planing a bit too over complicated, but that is given by the nature of our target. I feared a lot for their well known magical capabilities, but those came in later. We managed to sneak in by the loading dock, used those janitor key cards and popped a smoke to cause a bit of chaos. A quick shootout with the CorpSec team and a not so well placed stun nade (yeah that was me) with drone deployed flash packs made the job easy. Almost. The exfil was rougher. We had to dart and I fell behind. Fraggin cigarillos from Acapulco are tasty but heavy on my lungs. I didn’t know Azzies have a super fast security ostrich which can immobilise you?! Nasty little critter almost got me. I was lucky that big ork Zooma stayed near me and teared that thing apart. Once we got out and took a (nicotine) breather we talked to the J. He was happy and threw in a bonus. A golden Taco. Guess my diet will become a bit skewed towards the southern corporate cuisine. Gotta lay low for a bit. Might as well learn some routes in and out of the city.

Z Tailz of Zooma

Summary: Iz wazn't der I tellz yah. Iz dun mezz wit no Azziez. Youze seez Iz hadz dis dream da night beforez. Mez andz a gangz O' ner do wellz metz a strangez manz inz a funnyz hat. Hez wantz uz ta makez a dizturbance at da Taco Temple Corpo HQ. Da ideaz waz wez makez a ruckuz andz da elite Jagz showz up der.

A box O' gunz and SWATz armorz showz up, andz Iz findz sum key card in da bottom. One O' da tech peepz sayz itz a firezman key andz dey can overridez da elevatorz. Wez loadedz upz fo bear but wit non lethal roundz cauze whoz wantz dead peoplez az a cauze fo a mega ta drop da hamma on ya. Den we drezzed in jaintorz uniformz andz sweet talkez ourz wayz inta da buildin. Iz charmez myz wayz up ta da HQ andz wez hidz in da bathroomz tillz waz da time to callz some jagz.

Wez cauzed a ruckaz wit smoke nadez and such. Somez renta copz werze der andz wez scarez dem off wit no morez dan a few loud boos! Den our matrix boiz toldz uz dat de elevatorz werze cummin wit da actualz securitiez. Wez tookz overwatchz pozitionz andz whenz da doorz opened wez startez blaztin gel roundz. Den onez O' da team threwz a stunz bombz in da hall. Itz waz a mess. Youze dun uze doze thin in doorz. Da wholez place burzt inta noize an light. Dampenerz kickz in andz wez kept fightin. One O dem securitiez boiz ranz aroundz da corner and signalz fo help. Hez wanted da big gunz.

Jobz dun, wez grabz da cleanin cart andz shovez it ta da elevatorz, afterz wez sprayz blackz da cameraz. Seez da hackarz waz suppouzed ta jamz da signalz so dat dey didn'tz knowz wherez wez got off.

-- cont Part 2

Butz whatz wez didn't knowz waz da haxkzorz couldzn't breakz in ta da controlz. So whilez wez in da elevatorz waz strippin da armor andz den hidinz itz wit da gunz in da cleaninz cart, wez thoughtz wez wouldz justz getz in da janitorz overallz andz walkz out.

So wez strollinz alongz all cauzualz thin andz wez hearz "STOP DEM!" Soz wez allz breakz inta a mad dazh. Iz waz bookinz it likez a wilderbeazt whenz wez hearz a squawk. Dey released a pairz O' wakened ostritchz ta chaze uz downz. Iz couldz O' gotten awayz but onez O' da guyz wouldz havez been overtakenz. Dat woodz be badz fo my rep so Iz turnz aroundz ta dragz himz out. Dat Troll hadz pickez up da cart wit da other guy onz it anz had booked it out O' der.

Iz waz gunna dragz da guy out O' der whenz da poultry decendedz on uz. Hez had az hold outz wit stick n shock an zapped one O' da birdz. Itz waz lookin der confusez whenz I punched da otha one in da face; Stunnin it longz enough ta pickz da damnz thin up and tozz it inta itz partner. Da birdz colappzed inta a brokenz heap anz wez ranz out da door andz inta da waitin van.

Afterwarz da guyz madez a big speach right out O' a bollywood trid, an convinced Tex ta givez uz da bonuz, a tacoz madez out O' solid goldz.

--- cont Part 3

Soz afterz dat weird azz dreamz I skipez da meetin andz gottz my hoopz ta da otha end O' town. Iz waz practicin sum target shootin wit my pistol whenz I waz attacked by sum cryptid thin. Iz thoughtz itz waz an awakened doggo O' sum typez butz Iz couldn'tz seez. Evenz wit my low lightz peeperz, da thing sum howz madez itz darkerz sum howz. Iz endez upz punchin itz hardz enoughz dat itz ranz awayz.

Iz gotz myz hoop ta da last match fo sum heavyz drinkin. Iz ran inta a mechanicz wit da handlez O' Slow Ridez. Wez waz talkin shop whenz sum lil princezz saunterz in andz flipz da screez ta da newz. Seemz sum Azziez suit got whackedz in da pyramidz yezterdayz. Iz blanchez hardz at dat. So youze seez Iz waz smartz enoughz not ta git involvez wit hittinz da azziez likez da. Den laterz in da dayz I getz a noticez datz Iz wonz a prize O' free tacoz fo a yearz!