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Well Well Well

players: 5

Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Data Steal Date and time of run November 29, 2022 1:00 PM Expected length: 3 - 4 hours Venue: Live text through discord Challenge level: Medium Threat


8-bit has a score to settle...for his sake. It looks like for him, the Oncoming Storm dredged up more than he'd have liked.


Threat Level: Unknown


Well, I managed to resolve one threat and open the door to another. Parker apaprently got my SIN details or at least some of them. Somehow some fragging adept with face changing powers is running around Seattle killing people while wearing my face and using my name.

Paul called me in on this to help him solve the crime.

The killer we learned was driving an old Universal Brotherhood van and targetting former cult members. We track him to an old warehouse where we decide to ambush him. Jokes on us though he has the place rigged, jokes also on him though since we all dodge out of the blast pretty much unscathed. He surrenders, too easily, and as he does there is a huge swarm of roaches. Something strange is happening, for sure.

In the aftermath I start researching the UB.