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An Ocean of Cyberware II

players: 3-5

Expected run time:2-3 hours Mission Type: Theft


Threat Level: Low to Moderate


Mr. Johnson is looking for a group of runners to get his hands on some prototype cyberware. He's willing to meet at a place of his choosing to discuss the details. -Possible triggers - Violence

Longshots Action Report

[Party Members: @Impulse @Longshot @Clean-Up @Cabaret @Mendits @Mister T Game Duration: 2 hours Rewards: 1 karma, 2500y, 1 Rep

John Johnson asked us to check out a building and find a piece of cyberware. This seemed pretty wiz because it was an in and out pickup job. The magic bois summoned some air spirits which concealed the team. Some stealthy movement allowed them to get all the way to the item undetected. Mister T bonked the only guard in the room while Longshot found a friendly spirit to give them advice on how to solve the "locked room" mystery. With the device in hand the team exfil'd and made their way back to the Johnson… who informed them it was only a test, the entire thing was a setup. Which begged the question "What would they have done if we geeked everyone…?" (writing this up for lore, not rewards. I already received one write up reward this month)

+1FP John Johnson / (Renraku?) Johnson / Conn 4 +1 spirit rep for everyone that summoned spirits