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The Snohomish Slasher

players: 1-6

Expected run time 2-3 hours Mission Type: Wetwork Risk level: Introductory


Someone's killing metahumans in Snohomish. When a pretty human woman turns up dead, Lone Star finally cares and nabbed a troll patsy to pin the murders all on. Ms Johnson cares that the actual killer be brought to justice and wants you to do it.


Threat Level: Low

Language: Chinese Encryption: Jade Cypher Revered Sponsor and Friend, I bring an update on the situation with the Snohomish Slasher. The news briefly covered the macabre killings of metahumans in the outskirts of the Seattle. While law enforcement was quick to blame this on a metahuman community leader after the latest death of a human. I took a job together with two fellow runners going in the shadows by the handles @Impulse and @Havok to find the actual killer. After some initial investigation we located this community, lead by a young Ork Warlord named Georgie. We were able to gain the trust of the community and learned of several attacks on community members by a supernatural being, that preferred to attack under the cover of darkness. Tracking this being lead us to a secluded cave, and this is the part you may find interesting. The cave was magically warded and within we were ambushed by a fierce gargoyle. The ward proved troublesome for @Impulse's summoned spirits and furthermore the gargoyle proved to have vastly superior armor. I would say harder than mil spec armor. This led to an extended fight. Though we fought hard and long, this mighty gargoyle seemed to constantly gain the edge against us, and it was only though constant tactical maneuvering where Spirits, @Havok and I manage to corner it between us that we finally were able to chip away it’s defenses and bring it down. Also iron weapons were a help here. Inside we found remains of several of its former victims. All dead. @Havok and @Impulse are both brave and competent runners that do not back down even in a difficult fight, and they have my recommendation should you seek out their services. The location of the cave is [223,343] Your eyes in the shadows -Smogg