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Big Trouble in Not So Little Seattle

Mission Type Protect the VIP

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Aug. 19 23:00 UTC

Theme: Pink Mohawk (Loud)


Threat Level: Medium


"Big trouble is brewing, and we've got gangers getting jumpy. Not a great combination. I need some people to get me out of my current spot and out to safety. I don't want to be around when all this finally boils over. The sooner the better, but I think I've got a couple days at the very latest before its to late. I've got 5K per for the group. We can talk bonuses when we come to that. Serious replies only. PS Bring a gun." The poster leaves the initials "AK" along with a commcode, and address.

>Professor Ḥuhtik, >Čačimhiḥak , čačimhimaḥ. I am practicing with a very friendly and kind hearted driver and mechanic named Slow Ride who used to "work" near Chicago, out of the-chrome-horse-garage and continue to socialize, maybe even practice a few of my costumes, with the patrons of the-last-match and I have decided I should no longer exclusively rely on the simple programs that pilot vehicles. I met another Orc, Workout, sehr hübsch, probably not interested in someone as poor as my background and likely to kick my ass if I displeased her asking her out, she's more into Hail anyways. >The RunnerNET has been rather quiet lately but perhaps that is how it maintains "Heat" from accumulating from within the shadows, it finally had a job I could participate in or perhaps it does this to all new "job" applicants. Mr J aka AK, they were in urgent need of a exfil and they got one of the most professional exfils I have seen a team pull off, Riggers Kilroy, Slow Ride, and Tinkerer smuggled AK down a couple blocks past Ancients and HRT like champs. There was perhaps another shadowrunner we did not identify and the other team members did not want to push their luck tracking them, who had taken an "wet" job against our VIP but as pro as they were for all their ability to cause mayhem, only caught a glimpse. They had matrix support too. Attached is another video from Killroy, please take all caution to make sure this doesn't get into the regular SSC channels, they would be very cross with me and you might not hear from me again. - C̓ac̓uqḥta