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Vulture Duty

Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Straight Thievery

Players: 2-5

Date and Time of run: Oct. 31 3:00PM Eastern

Expected Session Length: 3-4 hours


Threat Level: Medium


A Johnson has acquired the approximated whereabouts of a shipment run astray in Redmond, exact situation and location unknown, and wants you to get to it before the owners can organise a retrieval.

Big Bad Wolf
I'm serious. Look, I'm a tech guy, I usually go into runs expecting to have to do a lot of techy stuff, even if I'm not the only tech guy on the team. This time, however, I did better by working in the flesh. First was negotiating with the Johnson. Between my impeccable logic and Longshot's people skills, we got a good deal. Not as much nuyen as I would've liked, but she did promise to get word out that we're proper professionals.

We were also joined by a couple of other runners. I recognised Murmur from the last time we ran in Redmond, and he had brought a fresh face: Cosmos. Good with tech, amazing with words. That gal could sell herb-crusted salmon to an AI. Only thing is, her fancy dress made her a prime target for the unsavoury types in the barrens. Good thing she had a Redmond resident at her side!

We reached the spot where the truck was last seen but it wasn't there, because of course it wasn't, that would be too easy. It didn't take much snooping around to find out what had happened to it. Some punks had geeked the drivers and taken the truck into 'their' turf. So how did we get them to give it to us? By scaring the drek out of 'em, that's how! Make their smartguns go on the fritz, conjure a fire spirit, make it look like there were more hardened mercs with us, that sort of thing.

Those fraggers still had the cajones to demand that we pay 'em! Plus, when the time came to get outta there, I thought Murmur was gonna crash the dang truck! He's lucky we got a sprite to do the job. Granted, I wouldn't have done any better - I'm a biker, not a trucker.

This run was easy. Perhaps a little too easy.