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Ares Test Fire

Date/Time: November 6, 2022 11:00 AM 11 hours ago Session Length: 3 hours - HARD Stop at 2:00 PM. That means no dice rolling and the GM narrates anything outstanding based on the characters decisions up to that point.


Threat Level: Moderate


Ares is testing a new automated combat tank in the Seattle Barrens. During the testing it stopped responding to their inputs and began driving off unpredictably. Two failed attempts to recover it have been met with Heavy Weapons fire from the tank. It actually seems to be guarding the location it last stopped. Ares has received enough data to conclude that the tests are successful. They would like a team to find the tank, and either turn it into scrap metal, or trigger the dispatch of their aerial drones to destroy it. If this shows your correct time then Unix Time works:

Fisher's Report
6th of November 2081. Ares Test Fire Runners: Murmur, Cosmos, Fisher Run rewards 4 karma 4250 NuYen -1 rep, 0 Heat Navigator's log: Back to the shadows after this nasty sickeness. Ah feels good to be back. This run was a close call. So Ares made themselves a testing playground in the Barrens driving a new stealth hoover drone tank around, getting in fights with Gangers, and general destruction of what is left from the place. Search and destroy. Find the thing and disable it or turn it in a scrap metal. Thankfully we knew a local, Jonas. This kid was a god send and right on the money he knew what's up. We got info that a bunch of kids saw the thing recently. We meet up with Rene and Katja and guess what, their friend, Chris is a techno. He sneaked inside the tank via a manhole and got trapped there. I guess the tank had a defensive mechanism to trap an intruder but it went haywire as Chris was fighting with the tank, so the death machine was just driving around and causing havoc. I really have to send this kid new RunnerNet scholarship, cuz his help was so clutch. So we find the tank, working our angle to get below and make it nice and clean op and another runner team just appears n starts shooting. They were hungry for the money so no negotiations or mercy with a kid inside. Cosmos pops the service hatch from below, tries to get in, but the tank starts hovering, the girl barely hangs on, but scrambles to pull it back to gather, flies inside and throws the kid out of the stealth tin can with mounted panther. The runner team tries to put down Cosmos as she is just there out in the open, but I popped a smoke, denied their vision and Cosmos was able to get out of harms way, in the last second because a rocket launcher enters the scene. These maniacs just blew the whole thing apart. The J was not very happy, but Belial was. So we got a full payday and saved a young and talented life. Yeah. Feels good man. And Cosmos deserves a bouquet of flowers.