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A Garden of Lies

Mission Type Protect the VIP

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Jul. 30 16:00 PST


"Big trouble is brewing, and we've got gangers getting jumpy. Not a great combination. I need some people to get me out of my current spot and out to safety. I don't want to be around when all this finally boils over. The sooner the better, but I think I've got a couple days at the very latest before its to late. I've got 5K per for the group. We can talk bonuses when we come to that. Serious replies only. PS Bring a gun." The poster leaves the initials "AK" along with a commcode, and address.

Alright, so the J drops the job. Pretty simple, really. Some small-time neighborhood gang was messing with the tenants at this apartment in the Redmond sprawl. Took control of the little garden the tenants ran. Drek like that.

Alright, so we roll in thinking we're just gonna out-muscle the muscle, send them off with their tails between their legs, and grab some easy creds. We meet our employer. Some strange lady, unofficially runs the place, I guess. One of our crew, a mana slinger, name redacted, says something isn't right in the Astral? Like she's yanking life force out of her friend or some mojo drek like that.

Whatever. Let's get this job done, right? So we go and hit up this gang leader, thinking they're flex. They seem scared, though. So turns out, this strange lady is doing some strange drek down the street in some other doss. They don't even try to mess with it.

So I throw Rover up in the air and get some eyes on the doss, and it's some kind of squatter farm. That is to say, she uses them for blood. As in, our J is a fraggin' fanger. We unanimously decide to geek this humvee, take the creds, and bounce.

So name redacted, name redacted and I roll up (jumped into Rover) while name redacted sneaks up through another apartment and shoots a narco dart. I put a couple rounds into her, and we drop her. name redacted cuts the head off to be sure.

We come out of it okay, all things considered. We get our creds, though not quite so simply. I won't get into it here. Fun fact, there are people out there that will pay you to geek fangs. Lessons learned. -- Slow Ride