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Disappearing Acts

Players: 3 - 4 Mission Type: Investigation and destruction Date and time of run: Friday, December 30, 2022 9:00 PM Expected length: 3 Hours Venue: roll20 Challenge level: Medium/High

Attention RunnerNET:

I'm Detective… Johnson, and I need your help with a case in the Meredith neighborhood. A bunch of people have gone missing in recent weeks, and I'm stumped. I don’t have enough budget to resolve this, we all know I have taken care of you, now it is time to return the favor.

Mission Pay is 5,000 each, but don't expect me to hold your hand. This is a serious case and I need you to get results. I've got a personal connection to one of the victims, a woman named Lauren Thompson, and I need you to find out what happened to her and the other missing people.

If you're interested, contact me ASAP. I don't have time to waste.


Threat Level: Moderate

Clean Up

Summary: This Paul guy seems like a decent team captain. He gives us a call, apparently 3 people have gone missing in the same week in Renton, and he wants them found. apparently he has a family connection to one of them. doesn’t have the manpower to bring in the starters here, so it’s gonna be a bullpen game for him. Fortunately we it, we’re not the 1927 Yankees, but we’ve got some talent. Murmur and Vaun get some information about these people, and where it happened. Turns out all three were trying to find a way to awaken, don’t know why, it’s more trouble than it’s worth. but turns out there is some drug called “Trance” being sold by the Eye Fivers by way of some street kids, and some people who take it get mind-whammies, and disappear. Come to lear that this stuff is an incredible shelf-stable awakened compound. Track the ‘Fivers location. We step up to the plate and announce our presence with authority, and they take off running. Operation shut down, for now, but no happy ending for the missing persons.