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Echo of a Scream

Players: 3 - 4 Mission Type: Wetwork Date and time of run: December 22, 2022 2:00 PM Expected length: 3,5 Hours Venue: roll20 Challenge level: Low/Medium You receive a message through your fixer:

I don't know how i feel by passing on this message, but I have a J that goes by Mr. Burke, and he is not know to offer jobs that will help your reputation. He need some urgent assistance. He wish to meet at the Butterfly Museum tonight.


Threat Level: Low Medium


So after Mr T's departure from a clear 'assassination' run, Yoshikiro and Workout took the limited information given and set out into Puyallup to track down the mark. A search of her apartment and looking over her 'conspiracy board', they found a lighter from a nearby bar and decided to check there for further information. Playing the roles of bored corpos "slumming it" they engaged the bartender and convinced him they needed to find their mark before They did. This managed to get them a lead on the mark's brother...who they then tracked down and continued their roles of 'individuals concerned for her safety' and eventually got him to spill the address where the mark was hunkered down. Arriving at the location, they managed to force the shuttered door up and slipped inside. Moments later they were diving for cover as two turrets dropped from the ceiling to open fire as a Steel Lynx rolled around the corner. As Yoshikiro kept the turrets occupied, Workout raced over to the Lynx and managed to nearly scrap it with a single flying kick. A follow-up shot from Yoshikiro then finished it and allowed Workout to momentarily turn the Lynx's own mounted gun on the two turrets. Meanwhile Yoshikiro had raced into the next room and saw a rigger twitching on a couch and put a couple of rounds into her command console, leaving her effectively incapacitated. Moments later Workout joined him as they entered the last room and found their mark huddling in a corner. With an apology of "This isn't personal, you just dug up the wrong data." Workout snapped her neck cleanly. However when Yoshikiro went to finish off the rigger, her death scream managed to flood through his PAN and slammed him with a nightmarish sim-vision of what appeared to be a Technomancer being subsumed by an Insect Hive. And thanks to his eidetic memory, that vision will never go away.