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Humanitarian Aid

Mission Type (see SR6 pg. 20-21) Protection Detail

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Oct. 21 23:00 UTC

Expected Session Length: 5-6 hours - (1 hour RL max for legwork, so we stay on schedule)

(time is somewhat flexible, if you can't quite make it respond with what time you CAN make)


Threat Level: Significant


This run is only open to those who have not played this mission before (let someone who's never played have their fun, and no spoilers in chat!) Runners will be selected more for good team balance than # of prior runs, which will be important due to the threat level. Spots will be confirmed at least 1 week prior with 🧟

A remote Salish town is suffering a deadly outbreak of disease, and someone robbed its only medical clinic of all its doses of life-saving vaccine. Mr. Johnson needs you to sort it out, fast. Does he have secrets he's not telling you? Probably.


Please be aware this run could be run again, if you spoil the ending for yourself you may not be eligible to run the mission in the future.

Murmur's Take
Summary: *You know you're in for a treat when some smiley faced, gladhand of a Mr. Johnson gives you a big ol smile and offers you cash bonus up front for a little "milk run". Find some vaccines for those poor, sick NAN kids, he says. It'll be fine, he lied There's no such thing as a milk run. You can fraggin well engrave that on my tombstone, Im so sure of it. Whadday now, the astral and the resonance was blanketed by a nice tasty cloud of death. Turns out there was no real Hantanavirus outbreak. Just the angered spirits of eons past accosting the living for their many sins. Shocking but not surprising. Oh and wasn't just convenient that this all started because a bunch of drekheads decided to fuck with an ancient NAN burial ground (I think, not too brushed up on NAN culture unfortunately) to find a mysterious ancient artifact. Anyways, I did some decking, hail storm did some magicking, Squach was worried sick for his people, Zooma was Zoomaing. Found some necromancer who was puppeteering the this whole drekshow with a party of zombies (not ghouls though). Dealt with him, got the fragging vaccine, got in got out, made ourselves look like bigtime heros in this small time town.
Čačimhiḥak , Wiikaḥ čačimhị.
>Remember that recent call you got from me asking about my latest job headed to Neah Bay and you told me about the Astral Quests and the Manitou, the name for a protector of the forest spirit from eastern NAN members? It was worse than that revealed. >Check if Neah Bay, Makah Nation is reconsidering aid after 150+ sick with Hantavirus, 50 deaths and worse, details of which will only be shared when I see you next in person so that it has no way of leaking should these spoiler tags be breached. They need mental health, medical personel, and grief counselors BAD. Attached is a data package on Horizon 'brain draining' technomancer children, ugh the colonizers always come for our children, and other black ops methods gleaned by our team's contacts after contact with the Mr John "Spazz" Silva as an example of their results. Reccomend declaring their nearby island a hazardous zone until it can be properly cleaned and the rituals for cleaning away bad spirits with cedar and sage are carried out. >Staying around Neah Bay to heal up and help the village out for a bit. - C̓ac̓uqḥta
Zooma's Take

Run Name: (Meta)Humanitarian Aid Date: Fish Fry Friday (10/28/2022) GM: @Princess Jenny Players: @Murmur @C̓ac̓uqḥta @Hail Storm @Tinkerer @Zooma and sorta @Fisher Duration: 1 Hantavirus gestation period Run Rewards: 8 Karma, 10K Nuyen, +2 rep, +1 heat

Summary: Dis run, oh manz. Iz toldz wez gotz work helpzin sum sick kidz. Iz tink Iz takez a pleazent bike ridez upz ta da ferry ta meet with da J. Ohz myz allergiez. Soonz az Iz takez my helmetz off myz noze startz runnin. Allz I wantz waz a chili soycheader dogz andz Iz couldzn't evenz see da AR meunz. Da teamz meet with da J andz Iz waz in an allergiez hell. Iz comez outz O' it az wez gettinz ta da town. Den @Fisher hez throwz up andz iz burnin up. So wez getz himz ta da hozpital in townz andz tuckz inta a bed. Whilez we waz der we talked ta da head doc ta see whatz happenez. Shez sendz uz ta da Horizon storagez site wherez sum thin strongz brokez in andz stolez da medz. Seemz likez a perzon probablyz cyberz but metahumanz at leazt.

Wez ablez ta pullz sum blood upz fromz da brokenz door andz da matrixz tellz uz dat sum womanz waz da onez whoz leftz it der. So wez callz da hozpital ta seez whoz itz iz. Damnz glitchez, shez deadzo, onez O' da firzt ta diez, andz iz in a trailerz wherze da bodiez arez pilingz up. Wez headz backz ta da hozpital ta checkz da bodiez andz seez ifz @Fisher iz awakez yetz. Fizh aint, and da body iz mizzin. Factz a buncho bodiez iz missin. Wez headz off ta da townz ta talkz ta da nextz O' kinz. Da J whoz beenz talkinz nonz stopz startz charmzing da townfolkz. Wez thoughtz diz might O' been a null set, butz den sum townieez sayz wez nice folkz likez da otha outziderz! Whoz da frag?

---cont Part 2

Wez doze sum diggin andz findz out der waz sum Indiana Jonez typez aroundz axein queztionz rightz beforez diz allz startez. Dey waz employz by Horizonz so wez ablez ta findz outz da hotelz dey been stayin atz. A quickz charmz O' da managerz snagz uz der room key andz wez findz der gearz andz an PDAz wit a journalz. Sum thinz aboutz a crystalz dizk, a technoz whoz cant'z stoppz sneezin, andz den dey goez ta an izlandz wit a nativez burialz grounz andz dey stepz in a ratz nezt, andz den da townz breakz out wit Hauntavirus. Frag dez drekheadz! Waitz Iz can'tz stopz sneezin! Amz Iz gunna diez? Fraggin mythicalz curzez. Aintz dez moronz eva seen a horror flick?

Wez hightailz it ta da izland, and wez noticez da creepyz fogz iz leavenz a greazy stainz all overz evray thin. Wez trudge outz ta a clearin andz canz seez whyz. Diz rezearch teamz haz setz up three cobbledz tagetha snowzblowerz andz iz feedzin ratz inta dem in da worldz make ya ownz ratz smoothiez franchize. Da mizt iz floatinz on da fog downz ta da townz andz makinz everyz onez sickz. Iz seez da rezearch teamz doinz da loadinz and dez fraggerz iz dead! Andz da aintz no idlez threatz eithia. Da flezh iz fallzing off dez guyz, gapinz woundz, andz lookinz rightz outz O' a late nightz picta showz. Maybez dey ghoulz O' sumthin but alivez iz out O' da queztionz. --cont Part 3

Da teamz startz ta creapz upz ta ambuzh dez guyz, butz I'm coughinz andz sneezinz so muchz I'llz neva sneakz upz on anyonez, wit my allergiez goninz crazy. Soz Iz stayz back wit @Murmur whoz tellz mez ta keepz an eye onz himz whilez hez doze sum geek stuffz. Iz nodz cauze Iz cant'z evenz speakz wit myz eyez soz wateriez. Damz diz oceanz frezh airz. Soz da team iz gettinz readyz ta launchez diz azzault andz I'z juzt sneezing. Den da J breakz fromz cova juzt screamzin wit hiz fiztz in da air. Da dudez aintz evenz drawnz hiz gunz. Juzt bearz handz lookzin likze a badz trideo andz givezin Orkz in generalz a bad rep. Soz Hailz launchez sum lightinz ballz ta supportz da man andz fragginz two snowz blowerz andz da guyz manzinz dem. Courze az standarz fo Hailz hez crazhez ta da dirtyz snowz fromz whatz dez magiz callz da drainz. Seemz ta beinz ta getzing a habitz wit da guy. Den @Murmur popz upz onz myz AR andz a streamz O' Dataz startz feedzin ta mez. Iz couldz not seez muchz wit da tearz, but he'z hackz my cyberearz apparentzly ta da pointz Iz even getz da lock onz soundz whenz I'mz pointz my gunz in da rightz place. Sally barkz her buckzhotz knocknz outz da lazt snowz blowerz, andz turninz der crewz inta hamburgerz. Atz leazt itz seemz dat wayz tillz dez guyz suddenly jerkz backz uprightz andz der bodiez juzt puzh da buckzhotz outz andz dey lookzin null worze fo wearz.

--- Cont Part 4 Andz itz seemz dat wez werentz da onlyz onez whoz hadz dat sneakzinz idez. Iz hearz a ruztle fromz da underbruzh butz wit da sneezez Iz hearz and reactz too latez. Whilez da other teamz iz dealzingz wit der zombiez onez comez atz mez andz onze at @Murmur. Da one dat comez atz mez grabz me andz Iz too shockez ta getz awayz. In sumthin dat noz amountz O' alcohol willz letz me forgetz itz gutz spillz out O' itz stomachz cavitiez, andz itz entrailz wrapz aroundz myz legz pinninz mez ta da groundz. Da onez goinz at @Murmur's unconziouz bodyz iz aboutz ta bitez hiz head off whenz Iz twizt aroundz andz triez ta shovez myz gunz in itz mouthz. Itz goez pazt da gun andz chompz downz onz myz wrizt. Whilez iz doesn'tz breakz da skinz O' my leatharz, Iz canz feelz itz accurzed energiez leachinz myz lifez forcez awayz.

Nowz I'z stillz sneezinz andz lookzinz throughz tearz, butz I'mz backz ta beinz 12z andz wrastlinz withz my buddiez. Iz grablz da one'z wit da entrailz aroundz me, andz yankz itz arm rightz offz andz putz itz throughtz it'z skullz. Da entrailz fallz awayz andz dat iz whenz I noticz dat a waterz spiritz haz decendez onz da zombiez chewinz onz my wrizt. Da spirit startz pullzing da thingz inta itz funnlez andz I grabz itz headz whichz ripz off az itz bodiez getz suckz awayz.

---Cont Part 5

Itz at diz timez dat da creepy doctor in chargez O' all dis stepz outz in hiz tatterz lab coatz anz all, andz lookzing madz. Hez voimtz upz sum oilyz wave O' wrongnezz andz dropz da J andz sum otharz. Da spirit decendz on himz andz punchez a wholez throughz da guyz chezt butz sum creepy crawlyiez just pourz out O' da hole andz startz tearzin da spirit apart. Iz snatch upz Sallyz fromz wherez Iz hadz dropped her andz pullz da triggerz tillz it goez clickz. Dat wit da rezt O' da team pileingz onz finaliez bringz downz diz abominationz.

Mostz O' da medz waz brokenz butz wez stopped da outbreakz andz wez tookz da injured backz ta da hozpital ta givez our reportz. Wez didn't getz da needlez butz wez werez localz heroez, so Iz stayedz inz townz for a whilez ta helpz with da cleanz up. @Fisher started ta get betta, andz da docz toldz me dat evenz wit da non stopz sneezinz itz waz juzt allergiez, andz Iz waznt gunna diez. @C̓ac̓uqḥta waz aroundz alzo so wez wentz fizhin ta getz sum nice seafud, andz hez evenz triedz ta teachz mez howz ta surfz. whoo that took forever