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Duck it All

players: 3-6

Expected run time 2-3 hours Mission Type: Thanksgiving Special Risk level: Milk Run


Some people have turkey on Thanksgiving. Some people don't. Personally, I want a duck for dinner. Duck is so hard to find, but I know a shop. It's not in a friendly neighborhood, and things might get messy. I'll hire you to get me that specific duck, and I'll pay top dollar.


Threat Level: Easy

Tank Talks

Summary - Ah Duck it All (11/23/2022) GM - Cosmos (She/Her) Players - Longshot Raptor Marky Mark Tank Tinkerer

So someone has started a tradition of buying a "Troll sized" fried rice for meets with John Johnson. I can't complain. I'm stuffing my face while John takes us through the angle: some special kind of fresh-cooked duck needs delivering to Velveteen Flamingo while she's on stage, and her nutter fans are trying to stick their fingers in it before it gets there. Sounds simple enough. Move the duck and don't kill any fans. The new kid, Marky, talks a good game and convinces John to pay the team a whopping 50kNy. This must be some duck. We roll out.

We arrive at the mall where the fans are already gathered. Security is keeping most of them outside, but the crowd is dense. I try to call a connection to have a limo drive by as a decoy for the fans, but I get no answer. Meanwhile, the new kid? He calls and arranges a plane to sky-write some drek above the mall, confusing the crowd. We're able to slip in, with our rigger's drones in tow.

We get in, but we are followed by some nutter fans. Not long after the chef gets to work, a group pours into the mall restaurant and picks a fight over the duck. And you know what they do first? They throw a stun grenade. Even though the new kid had the grace to throw it back, it knocks out the chef. My ears are ringing and I'm pissed. I knock out a couple nutters before they throw a second stun grenade which I return to sender. The second blast knocks out most of the remaining agitators, and our rigger Tinkerer flanks the last of them with his drones. I tie up the unconscious nutters and take down their info for John, while the voodoo crew--Longshot and Raptor--revive the chef. We make it out with the duck, and make our way to the soundstage.

Longshot and Marky present the duck onstage, all while Velveteen Flamingo plays her dedication "It's Gotta be a Longshot." John took care of the heat, and we got paid.