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Power Moves

Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21) Data Steal

Players: 2-5

Date and Time of run: Oct. 30 6:00PM Eastern

Expected Session Length: 3-4 hours


Threat Level: High


A Johnson has requested help with retrieving sensitive meeting information from a rival Corp.

Long Shot
|The run started off smoothly. We were all called to meet a Mrs J at Underworld 93. Getting past "Newt" the Troll bouncer only involved a quick exchange of nuyen. Inside the club was pretty typical… fraggers in the mosh pit jamming to some leftover Fragging Unicorns rerun. Or moshing to another drek Nova Dust album. The Mrs J asked us to retrieve a specific data chip from the Marketing Director of the local Gaetronics facility. There had already been one attempt to retrieve the data and she believed that it was moved over to offline storage. For those that don't know Gaetronics supplies "clean energy" to a large portion of Seattle. I was pretty satisified with the group that Mrs J put together. I(Longshot) was Magic Overwatch, Murmur was our Matrix guy, Clean Up was the muscle, and Backstop was our everyman. Dude was old but he could hang. Once we had the deets of the mission slotted we headed out to the Gaetronics complex in my Jeep. Murmur scouted the place out and was able to hack right into their security. Backstop, Cleanup and I scouted into the facility and stealthily made our way to the targets office. We had Murmur insert us into her calendar as the Data Forensic team. We made our way to her office, and "convinced" her that we needed the data chip to perform our 'data forensic' stuff. We trickled out of the building quickly after that and made a clean getaway. Honestly it's hard to tell if the target will ever figure out we weren't really "Bob Surnckle" from the Data Forensics department or not. But I'll always get a good chuckle thinking back on the Bobs Ur Unckle mission…"
Murmur's Report

Run Name: Power Moves Date: 10/30/2022 GM: @Chatter_Box Players: @Murmur @Longshot @Clean-Up @Backstop Duration: 3.5 hours Run Rewards: ¥8,000, 4 karma, 1 rep

Summary: I may have to revise my stance on "no such thing as a milk run" because goddamn that was smooth as all hell. Granted, we were hitting all of the right notes from the moment we shook hands with the Johnson. It wasn't easy though, breaching through Gaeatronics several nested hosts gave me a run for my money. Nearly risked convergence. But had I been too greedy or too reckless with my hacking attempts, things would have went south real fast. Let this be a lesson to all your script kitties out there that somehow get this paydata: Slow and steady wins the race, and it's never over till it's over. Anyways, I managed to sleaze my way into Lightfoot's come and terminal. The absolute wonder team in meatspace, Longshot, Cleanup, and Backstop were just absolutely brilliant convincing her to drop the chip. We all made it look like we were professional matrix security off to seal the chip away. Yeah, away in the hands of Miss. Johnson. Heh heh heee! The whole thing took only an afternoon and bam, we just gotten 8k richer. Frag yeah!

Hey longshot if you're reading this, you were wiz with that logic spell! I wish I could be that smart all the fraggin time!

|The run started off smoothly. We were all called to meet a Mrs J at Underworld 93. Getting past "Newt" the Troll bouncer only involved a quick exchange of nuyen. Inside the club was pretty typical… fraggers in the mosh pit jamming to some leftover Fragging Unicorns rerun. Or moshing to another drek Nova Dust album. The Mrs J asked us to retrieve a specific data chip from the Marketing Director of the local Gaetronics facility. There had already been one attempt to retrieve the data and she believed that it was moved over to offline storage. For those that don't know Gaetronics supplies "clean energy" to a large portion of Seattle. I was pretty satisified with the group that Mrs J put together. I(Longshot) was Magic Overwatch, Murmur was our Matrix guy, Clean Up was the muscle, and Backstop was our everyman. Dude was old but he could hang. Once we had the deets of the mission slotted we headed out to the Gaetronics complex in my Jeep. Murmur scouted the place out and was able to hack right into their security. Backstop, Cleanup and I scouted into the facility and stealthily made our way to the targets office. We had Murmur insert us into her calendar as the Data Forensic team. We made our way to her office, and "convinced" her that we needed the data chip to perform our 'data forensic' stuff. We trickled out of the building quickly after that and made a clean getaway. Honestly it's hard to tell if the target will ever figure out we weren't really "Bob Surnckle" from the Data Forensics department or not. But I'll always get a good chuckle thinking back on the Bobs Ur Unckle mission…"|