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Northern Approach

Date/Time: Saturday, January 21, 2023 7:00 PM 8 days ago DM: @Longshot Scenario: Find a person Session Length: 4-5 hours - HARD Stop at 1:00 AM. That means no dice rolling and the GM narrates anything outstanding based on the characters decisions up to that point. Difficulty Varies based on team makeup. This will be a tough run.

Description: Aztechnology has a plan, and needs more teams to assist. Leslie Chavez will oversee several teams including the runners as they skydive onto the promontory above the Skagit River Dam. From there the runners can assault the dam directly, placing their detonator charges at key locations to disable the bugs ability to escape.

I'll select players within the next 3 days. If you want to post your TKE, and # of runs in the last 30 days, along with a selection of your dice pools I'll review that. Please note your Athletics skill, there will be a waiver when you pickup your glide packs :::


Threat Level: Moderate