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Keys to the Kingdom

Scenario Title: Keys to the Kingdom Players: 3-5 Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Datasteal / Property Damage Date and time of run: January 21, 2023 9:00 AM Expected length: 3-4 hours Venue: Roll20 Challenge level: Medium Threat

(CW: Body Horror, terrible & irreversible things done to others)

/// Job Available -- Johnson - “Dr. Tanaka”-- Your fixer assures you that they verified them and this is a legit - if probably risky - job ///

IC Message: “Dr. Tanaka” requests some specialists for a datasteal and property assault task. Advanced Biotech Solutions has a standalone data vault in Tacoma with high-value information that Dr. Tanaka believes ABS stole from her clients. Base pay is for destruction of the data vault. Bonus pay if extracted paydata establishes that the information was, in fact, stolen. Site is secure, but also relies on secrecy, so is not heavily defended. Discretion is not required by Dr. Tanaka, but client will not pay for relocation or protection from reprisal.



Threat Level: Moderate