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Winter Stroll

players: -5

Players: 2-5 Mission Type (See SR6 pg. 20-21): Protection Detail Expected length: 3 hours Venue: Live text via discord Challenge level: Medium

IC: It's getting close to Christmas and the big man in the red suit is making his rounds... so the lore goes.


As the Snow begins to start to fall, your commlink goes off.

New Notification--Accessing file....RunnerNET........Connecting...Server 51041....Connected.

Hey, I need some people to protect a dude in a red suit. Anyone able to help?

Job posted..... Connection lost...


Threat Level: Medium


A fragging protection run for Santa. Mr T, Murmur, Chatterbox and I take a gig to protect the big man. Apparently he put some gangers on the naughty list and they weren't having it. As a side note watching Mister T and Chatterbox try to communicate is about as hilarious as you'd expect. If Zooma had been here, it would have been over the top.

In any case we protect the big man and manage to cont he gangers into leaving the area, no shots fired, clean payday.

Mister T
New Notification--Accessing file....RunnerNET........Connecting...Server 51041....Connected. Hey, I need some people to protect a dude in a red suit. Anyone able to help? Job posted..... Connection lost...> Text message sent to comm units – looking for security, meet at The Joke bar in Redmond for details. Mister T gets Murmur to fix up his comm unit so it stops beeping, then hails a cab and they head to Redmond. ChatterBox does the talking – which is a bit of a problem as the words sound like English but Mister T isn’t sure what dialect CB is using, and neither is the Johnson. Offer 3k + 3.5k hazard pay, reduced to 1.5 if the client is injured in any way. Need to transport him to a park, watch over him for a while, then bring him back. Off to a park in the snow. There is a concrete bench, a sleigh, presents, and a line of eager people waiting to see Santa. An elf comes over and says “your late”. Santa does his thing, handing out presents and having lots of photos taken, making people happy, and we stand guard.

To be continued... 45 minutes later a van with 162 on the side (small Redmond street gang) pulls up. They re looking for a big drunk guy in a red suit – which matches the guy we are hired to protect. They say he stole something from them, but don’t say what. CB convinces them to wait with him while the crowd is around, then we will all go to a neutral ground to talk and come to an arrangement. Once the line is almost through Mister T joins on the end and gets a big bear hug and a photo with Santa. That’s one to be framed! On the way to the neutral location 8bit calls a Lone-Star contact and arranges for our van to be pulled over, hoping to scare off the 162s. When the cops turn up the gangers high-tail it away. Soon after we make it back to The Joke Bar there are sounds of bells overhead and a sleigh flies past. What a site! The next day we learn word on the street that the 162s are gunning for us