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Evo Wants Her Back

players: 4-6

Expected run time 2-3 hours Mission Type: Extraction Risk level: High


Johnson has asked you get someone back that was on his payroll. That is all. How hard could it possibly be?


Threat Level: High

Mister T
Evo Wants Her Back 20 Nov 2022 GM Cosmos Runners: Tank (troll muscle), Longshot (human professor look, magical), Mister T (troll muscle), Polaris (Dryad ), Murmur (human technomancer). Call from John Johnson of Evo Corp. An asset (Velvetine Flamingo) has gone missing, last seen being carried off into the Barrens. Job – find out what is going on and get asset back. Renraku may have initiated the kidnap. The asset has been promoting a Seattle independent to UCAS. Offer – 5k each, negotiated up to 10k plus incidentals (bullets etc.). Bonus if we can find out how they knew where Flamingo was located. Contested territory Halloweeners (fear-based gang) and Rusted Stilettos (they like to party). Catch a group of Halloweeners by surprise. Mister T opens with a stun grenade before we engage. Thru the sewers – have to fight past a bunch of devil/demon rats. Into the Renraku complex. Lots of defenders. A couple try to blow a door and Murmur blows them up with their own explosives. Fight thru a few more defenders – enhanced and magical. Rescue Velveteen Flamigo. Find that Horizon put out a contract of 1 million nuyen to convince Velveteen Flamingo to work for them. Bonus earnt by runners = 3k nuyen. Murmur gives Velveteen Flamingo a music sprite service and they spend some time together.

Mission rewards: 7 karma 13 k nuyen 0 heat +2 reputation 2 fp John Johnson + Velveteen Flamingo Velveteen writes a song – “It’s gotta be a Longshot” about a group of shadow runners Contact: John Johnson is 5/1 Evo corporate Contact: Velveteen Flamingo is 5/1 Evo musician/pop star media contact