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Slow Ride : Rigger

Slow Ride: Rigger, Human, 5 RunnerNET runs.

One of the earlier members of the RunnerNet crew, with no signs of slowing down.

RunnerNET certified in:

-   Athletics
- Close Combat
- Electronics
- Engineering
- Firearms
- Perception
- Stealth

Language(s) - English

Areas of Interest

-   Smuggling techniques
- Rigger Clubs
- Shadow Communities (Motor City)
- Shadow Communities (Seattle)
- Car Manufacturers



-   Cybereyes (electric blue, 3 pupils, triangular configuration)
- Control Rig
- Obvious Cyberarm, etched and anodized "tattoos".
- Wired reflexes
- Tooth compartment
- Muscle Toner

If You Have Met Slow Ride you know:

  • His fashion sense looks like "1950's greaser" meets "1980's punk" meets "2080 tactical" meets "Explosive HMG round".
  • He grew up in Motor City, Michigan, and was practically raised by The Garage.
  • He almost exclusively listens to Fifth World music - especially rock, punk, and metal.
Run NameNotes
Garden of LiesEvents Redacted
Search and RescueEvents Redacted
Brawl in an Urban EnvironmentEvents Redacted
Big Trouble in Little SeattleEvents Redacted
Das BootEvents Redacted

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