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RunnerNET Rules

· 28 min read

As RunnerNET lives and grows our rules may change from time to time. Some things that will never change:


Community Rules:

  1. No use of slurs of ANY kind.
  2. Do NOT talk down about individuals. If you've got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
  3. Try to keep swearing down to a minimum.
  4. No Bullying. We have some VERY new people to roleplaying, new to Shadowrun, and new to SR6. Do NOT pick on them or make fun of them. We are here to learn and grow together while playing in a world/system that we love.
  5. Overt negativity about a particular edition of the game, company which owns/licensed/has owned/has licensed the IP is not welcomed. Let's move on.
  6. Anyone caught breaking any of these rules, with the exclusion of rule #1, will get a warning before being removed from the community. If continued issues occur, you will be removed. If anyone breaks rule #1 you will be automatically removed.


Character Generation

RunnerNET offers a variety of ways to build your runner and we are all more than happy to help you whether you are looking for tweaks to optimize your build or are starting completely fresh.

We have a variety of players with a variety of build styles. You do not have to optimize to fit in here but there are plenty of players who do choose fairly optimal builds.

Allowed Generation Methods
Priority, Sum to Ten, Point Buy, or Lifepath.

Contact limitations for are still in play, regardless of which method you use.

In addition,Living Community named NPCs cannot have their Connection raised via karma.

  • The number of spells, power points, and complex forms are set once you have selected all your life modules and does not count any karma spent to raise Magic and Resonance further.
  • Mystic adepts gain either 0.5 PP or 1 Spell for each point of Magic. You may purchase additional 0.5 power point or 1 spell for 5 Karma each, with a maximum number of power points equal to Magic, and a maximum number of spells equal to Magic x 2

No blood mage/adepts

No toxic mage/adepts

No Insect spirits(Shamans)

No drakes

Metasapients, Surge, etc.
Can I play any of the metasapients (6WC, pg.87-90)? Yes. Playing a metasapient requires paying the troll tax(ten percent increased cost for all gear).In Addition, all augmentations cost twenty percent extra due to their unusual anatomy.If a character has multiple cost increases due to metaracial qualities or metagenetic qualities, only pay the highest.Meta Sapient Do not get a Magic attribute for free,and it must be purchased as for other metahumans and metavariants.This does mean that they can be mundane, but they can't be technomancers.The generation born since the Awakening have shown a wider variety in genetics with these species and some have been born without a connection to magic.However, those born without magic have lost all connection to powers that had been formerly assumed to be core to their kind.

All centaurs, with or without Magic, lose Search and in its place,they have the Enhanced Perception Adept power (SR6,pg. 157) as a critter power that costs no Power Points. If you do not buy a Magic attribute,then the critter powers Concealment, Dual Natured,Guard, and Venom are lost. The pixies’ Vanishing power is removed entirely for LC play.

Can I play a SURGE (6WC, pg. 116-131) character? Yes. You’re able to build a changeling from metagenics qualities as part of the Priority Build system(SR6, pg. 58-68).You don’t need to use the random selection method and instead,select the metagenic qualities you want to use.Selecting metagenetic qualities is done during Step Three where you select Qualities.Your total number of Qualities, including metagenic qualities, is limited to 6 and the net bonus Karma cannot exceed 20.Some Metagenic qualities are different for play in Missions and are detailed in the LC Guide. Any quality costing less than 8 Karma that grants Edge must be used on that test or is lost.You can also use one of SURGE collectives.This is selected when you chose your metatype, and you must pay the karma cost similar to playing as a metavariant or metasapient.In the case of the changelings, the listed metagenic qualities are treated as racial qualities and don’t count towards the6 Qualities Restriction unless increase the level of a listed metagenic quality. -Camouflage: When wearing clothing, the dice pool modifier is lost.This includes basic and dynamic camouflage. -Quills:Grappling(SR6, pg. 111) normally doesn’t do damage, but for those with quills, you doa base 2p DV. If you take the Damage the Opponent follow-up action, the 2P DV does not apply to this damage. -Corrosive Spit:This quality is limited to 2 levels. -Natural Venom:The exhaled as an attack rating of 5/–/–/–/–. -Climate Adaptation:TheClimate AdaptationTabledoes not apply. -Dermal Alteration (Granite):Hardened armor is replaced with Armor (6).The fine manipulation tests penalty of–1includes firing weapons unless that weapon is wireless fired via smartgun. -Shiva Arms: Bear in mind that you are limited to 5 minor actions at the start of your turn. -Aural HelixDysmorphia(AHD):The cost to purchase any headgear is doubled. -Mad Eyes: When in smoke, ash, or other airborne substances, take a–2 dice pool penalty on Perceptionand Firearms tests. -UnusualHair: Add 1 to the dice pool of Matrix Searches for the individual with this quality. -Poor Healer:The change in healing thresholds based on Essence does not apply to First Aid for the Augmented (6WC, pg. 145). -Progeria:Characters that possess the Progeriametagenic quality suffers a–2 dice pool modifier for any test that includes a physical attribute and also suffers from–2 to their initiative. -Feathers:Add 1 to the dice pool of Matrix Searches for the individual with this quality. -Scales: On every other mission,a character with this metagenic quality must either spend a Minor Downtime Action or make an Edge (2) test to avoid shedding during the run. If the character fails the test, they take–2 on all actions during the run. -Vestigial Tail:This quality is compatible with other types of tails. The main function of the tail is that it betrays your emotions. So, go on and wag that paddle tail. -Berserker:The character must succeed at a Composure(2) test or fly into a rage.

Changes for metavariants, metasapients, and SURGE: -Hobgoblins remove Poor Self Control (Vindictive). -Centaurs remove Search power and replace it with the Enhanced Perception adept power. -Naga add Scales. -Pixies add Functional Wings (Type II), and Flight. Also,they remove Vanishing. -Merrow add Gills. You must select air, freshwater, or saltwater at character reneration. -Raptors SURGE replace Beak with Beak: Raptor quality. -Humboldt and merfolk SURGE must select air, freshwater, or saltwater for Gill type at character generation.

We want you to enjoy the character creation process and feel like you can play what you want. Not every idea works but we will do our best to help you make it happen.

Gear, Lifestyles, Qualities, and Other Purchases

Can I buy:

From Collapsing Now, can I buy the GreenWar Gear? Yes, but you must have a contact that is associated with this faction. In addition to the contact, Asphyxia Spores have an availability of 6I and cost 60 nuyen per dose. Hypoallergenic has an availability of 5I and costs 90 nuyen per dose.


Can we upgrade our cyber/bioware or do we have to rip it out and fresh install? yep, you can upgrade and pay the difference! See Also the Streetdoc Downtime Activities

Gear Acquisition

To purchase gear, comment what you want to buy and which method will be used with all necessary info (Contact Connection, loyalty, matrix search roll).

  • All gear can be found by performing a Matrix Search test, Electronics + Intuition (Extended, 10 minutes) with a threshold of Availability.
  • Legal gear with no (I) or (L) in the availability rating can always be found using a contact whose connection rating is greater than (not equal to) availability.
  • Licensed gear with a (L) in the availability rating can be found using a contact; contact makes a Connection + Connection (Availability) test. If you have a specialized contact, (Arms Dealer, Drug Dealer, Talismonger, etc) this becomes an extended test. GM/Approver rolls.
  • Illegal gear with an (I) in the availability rating can be found same as Licensed gear with the addition of 5% to the cost per point of loyalty below availability.
  • Extra dice for the contact's Connection + Connection test can be purchased for +25% cost per die up to contacts connection rating, and must be purchased before making the test.

Characters with Street lifestyles start at –2 Edge on scene resets. Characters with Squatter lifestyles begin each scene with–1 Edge.These characters are presumed to have expended that Edge in their day-to-day activities

Fake Licenses

How do fake licenses work in the Living Community? A fake license must and may only be attached to a single SIN, whether fake or not. For example, if you own an Ares Predator V and have two different fake SINs, you need two fake licenses; one for each SIN. Youmay only acquire a license for an item with an L Availability designation. You cannot get a license for an I Availability item, ever. Some items do not have an L (or I) designation, but you may wish to “legally” conceal them, e.g. a combat knife or taser. In this situation, you would need to get a conceal carry permit.If you have a valid, non-criminal, SIN, you may attach whatever license you want, free of charge (for the purposes of Missions).Keep in mind, however, that an item used in a crime that is associated with your realSIN opens you up to real trouble.Licenses are technically valid only for the territory that ‘issued’ them, e.g. you have a fake Ares SIN with fake licenses attached to that SIN. The validity of these licenses can vary when operating outside of the jurisdiction of the issuing entity. Generally, nations will recognize mega corporate issued licenses (or those which appear to be corporate issued) as long as that nation permits extraterritoriality within their borders. For Example, the UCAS permits mega corporate citizens with appropriate licenses to possesses/transport and even conceal carry. A megacorp may not recognize a national license. In cases where an entity refuses to accept a license, they will generally give the individual an opportunity to resolve the issue, perhaps escorting them from the premises or ‘temporarily’ confiscating the item in question.There is generally no need to itemize licenses to individual items. For example, a single firearms license is enough to account for any and all licensable weapon that makes use of the Firearms skill. The below list is not exhaustive but contains nearly every licensing situation we can think of.Gear: ●Driver’s License ●Concealed Carry* ●Bow Hunting License (Bows, Crossbows) ●Firearms ●Smartgun/Smartlink system ●Exotic Weapon (per weapon) ●Skilled Trade ●RCC (per RCC) ●Cyberjack ●Control Rig ●Cyberware (not including Cyberjacks and Control Rigs) ●Spellcasting* ●Conjuring ●Alchemy**** ●Adept Abilities ●Power Foci ●Other Foci ●Metamagic (per Metamagic) ●Technomancy

*Conceal carry is for any weapon that is not plainly visible when carried. Remember,you’ll need a separate firearm license if the concealed weapon is a firearm. Nearly every L designated piece of gear not otherwise requiring a license will fall under SkilledTrade in some form. B&E gear are legitimate tools of licensed locksmiths, for example. * A single license is required for all non-combat spells. Each combat spell requires its own license.Combat spells with a range of LOS(A) are illegal. Mental manipulation spells such as Mind Probe, ControlActions, and Control Thoughts are illegal. Agony and Chaos are illegal. **** This license covers the practice of alchemy and the distribution of alchemical preparations. The Alchemical preparations themselves are regulated and may be confiscated.

What happens if I am caught possessing, transporting, carrying, using a spell, etc. if I don’t have a license for it? Unless otherwise noted in the Living community, it is up to the GM to decide. It may be something as simple as a small fine of 400-500¥ and confiscation of the offending item, all the way up to arrest and issuance of a criminal SIN (e.g. if used in connection with a crime). There are even nasty rumors of certain prisons removing illegal cyberware or keeping magicians in magemasks permanently.



Stolen Gear: You can convert between 1 and 20 Karma to gain one or more pieces a single piece of gear worth that amount of nuyen at a rate of 10,000 nuyen to 1 Karma. Any nuyen left over does not go back into your pocket. That money is lost. In addition to the Gear, you automatically start with 2 Heat if you take this quality at character creation and gain 2 Heat if you gain it during play.

Bounty Hunters: Missions play doesn’t directly handle bounty hunters during the middle of a run, but your downtime is no longer safe. Based on the hunted frequency, when your character is affected, they start with 1 box of Physical Damage per stolen gear level. This damage cannot be healed with medkit or magic and can only be healed naturally. You also start with a box of Stun for every Karma point above the minimum Karma for that stolen gear level. Damage reduction augmentations such as increased Body or platelet factories does not reduce the damage. If you wish to buy this quality off, you need to pay both the nuyen and two times the Karma expenditure.

Instead of per mission, it's a 1/X chance, where X is the hunted frequency.

Hunted Instead of 15 heat, Runners starting a mission with 3 or more Heat suffer the Hunted Damage.

In Debt: Game Effect: When you spend Karma for cash, every point of Karma you spend gets you 5,000 instead of 2,000 nuyen. Each point of Karma spent also puts you 5,000 nuyen into debt with someone very dangerous and capable of collecting. You must paya monthly interest rate of 500 nuyen per Karma spent, in addition to any payment to the principal. If the interest is not paid, the lenders come searching for you. The quality can be bought off purely with money; if the principal is repaid the quality is eliminated.This quality can be obtained only during character creation, not during gameplay. If payment is not paid for In Debt, +1 heat, reduced to 0 nuyen, and your next mission you start with 3 stun and 3 physical.

Gameplay rules

Down Time

Rent is due by the 3rd of every real month and must be paid if you ran that month ALL downtime tests are completed as bought hits.

Downtime Activities Besides purchasing gear, you can also conduct Downtime Activities. Downtime Activities are divided into Major and Minor. Between any two missions, you can perform one Major and one Minor Downtime Activity OR three Minor Downtime Activities.

Major Downtime Activities

●Increase attribute by 1 ●Increase skill rank by 1 ●Gain a specialization ●Gain an Expertise ●Gain 1 knowledge skill ●Cybersurgery ●Lay Low (See Heat) ●Initiate ●Repair ALL drones and vehicles ●Strengthen Connection ●Strengthen Loyalty to 4 or higher ●Submerge ●Transhumanist training (6WC, pg. 146) ●Work a Contact (SR6 CRB, pg 236) ●Work for the Streetdoc (See below)

Minor Downtime Activities

●Bond a Focus ●Build a lodge or take down a lodge ●Learn a new spell ●Binding a spirit ●Preparing a vessel ●Learn a new complex form ●Register up to 8 Levels of sprite(s) ●Repair one drone or vehicle ●Strengthen Loyalty up to 3 ●Conclave or coven task (See Section 10: Street Wyrd) ●Shadow Healthcare Community task. ●Add four dice to any single downtime Matrix Search ●Add one higher effective Connection rating to a gear for the purpose of buying gear ●Work for the Man ●Work for thePeople ●Buying off or gaining a Quality

*Note: Some downtime activities can be done during a mission if there is sufficient time. These Activities must be done using buying hits for things that extend past the duration of the current Mission.

What is Work for the Streetdoc?

Seattle Streets Docs Have banded together to create a group care for runners. Just like a coven, you can spend 6 Karma to join the Shadow Healthcare Community,abide by their strictures, and complete one Minor Downtime Activity per month to aid the community. When you do, you can sell back your Augmentations for the full price even if you are switching from one type of ‘ware to another type. In addition, by joining the group,you gain the access to theMajor Downtime Activity of “Working for theStreetdoc” which allows you to convert an unlimited amount of Karma to nuyen at a rate of 1 Karma to 7,000 nuyen, but it must all be spent on Augmentation for yourself. They won't install it in your friend,and they won't take ‘ware off that security guard you fragged.They won’t just sell your old augmentations, if you want that go see a fence. But they will allow you to trade it in to be spent on other ‘ware.


Shadow Healthcare Community Goals:Keeping shadowrunners alive and effective since 2081. Connection:6 Connection Type:Medical Strictures: •No Harvesting from Others:Augmentations are part of the body and must be treated with respect. •Protect the Doctor:When a doctor in the SHC is at risk, protect them at all costs. Do not put them in the way of risk.

Alternative Rules
Strength reduces recoil - the AR penalties for firing mode attacks (see pp. 108-109, SR6) are lessened by 1 if the attacker’s strength is 7 or higher, and by 2 at 10 strength or higher. In order to benefit from high strength, both hands must be used to control the firearm, even if it could otherwise be used single-handedly. This does not incur off-hand penalties

Rolling Strength instead of Agility in Close Combat - Close Combat attacks may roll Strength instead of Agility for any unarmed attacks or if the weapon relies on both mass and momentum, such as swords, axes, clubs, etc. When using this optional rule, add Agility to Attack Rating in place of Strength. When relevant to the weapon, it must be wielded in both hands so as to leverage the attacker’s full strength. This does not incur off-hand penalties.

High Strength Adds to Damage - If your Strength is at least 7, increase your melee DV by 1. If your Strength is 10 or higher, increase your melee DV by 2. Weapons that do not benefit from high strength (e.g., monofilament whips) do not increase DV. The Natural Attack critter power also does not get modified by this rule, but by all means you can roll the critter’s Strength to attack if it’s higher than their Agility (see above)

Armor Damage Reduction - Armor converts some Physical damage to Stun. After resisting damage, convert one box of Physical damage to Stun for every 8 full points of DR you have. In the case of damage from blast attacks (p. 114, SR6) one point of Physical damage is converted to Stun for every 4 full points of DR. This rule is not applied to damage resulting from toxins or statuses.

Spirit Doorway - This rule establishes a restriction on the Materialization power (p. 225, SR6) possessed by spirits. Spirits cannot enter the physical plane just anywhere; they require a space appropriate to their spirit type to form a physical body. This space is referred to by arcane scholars as a spirit doorway. Note that this rule does not limit where spirits may be summoned, only where they may materialize. Furthermore, spirits can still manifest in the same manner as projecting magicians (see Astral Projection, p. 160, SR6) without requiring a doorway. While manifested, a spirit can communicate with the physical world as an intangible ghostly figure, but it cannot physically or magically affect anything on the physical plane. Once materialized through a doorway, spirits can freely leave that space and travel around on the physical plane just as any metahuman can. Likewise, their purely astral movements do not require spirit doorways. However, once a materialized spirit returns to the astral plane, it must once again use an appropriate doorway to return to the physical plane. Unless specified otherwise, a spirit doorway must be at least 0.25 square meters per point of Force. Ally spirits use one of the above doorways at their summoner’s choice. Free, great form, blood, insect, and other spirits that lack the Materialization power are never subject to this rule.


Air -Freely moving air currents, at least 10 x Force meters above the ground Beasts - A current or former animal or pet lair, or 1 kilogram per point of Force of animal parts, remains, or animal feed Earth - Soil, metal ore, or minerals that are not integrated into any structures Fire - Open flames, lava or other red-hot materials, or a body of prepared fuel Guardian - Sacred, sanctified, and similar spaces, combat training areas, current or former battlefields Guidance - A place people go to seek advice or self-reflection. Bars, classrooms, places of natural beauty, city parks, etc. Kin - Any locale that is personally well known to the summoner Plant - Living vegetation Task - Places where tools and parts are stored, or where physical labor is regularly performed Water - A body of water (including ice or snow), or an area experiencing a downpour


After diagnosing what was wrong with a Engineering +Logic (3,60 minutes) test. For professional repair: 4% or ¥1000 per box, takes boxes/3 days Self-repair: 2% or ¥500 per box, repairs 1 box per hit, 30 minutes per hit.

Natural Healing

Handled RAW (Rules As Written) at the end of the session to see how long it'll take for you to heal. That means, you CAN go into another run injured from a previous run if it's between the total heal of that day.


How do I strengthen Connection?

Spending your Major Downtime Activity and the next Connection rating x 1,000 nuyen represents a significant investment of your own time and energy helping your connection reach new heights.You can strengthen an NPC up to a maximum of Connection 9.Each time you do this, you increase the Connection rating of your contact by 1/X, where X is the next level of Connection. In effect, you need to strengthen a contact’s Connection as many times as the next Connection rating before they reach that level.To get from 1 to 2 requires strengthening Connection for a total of 4,000 nuyen using two Major Downtime Actions. Getting from a 4 to 5 requires strengthening Connections Five Times at 5,000 nuyen each time, for a total of 25,000 nuyen. You can only strengthen Connection for a non-canon LC contact/NPC.

Hiring Contacts as Runners

Many of the missions call out when you are able to hire an NPC or Contact to help out with the mission.These will call out specific costs. Outside of call outs in the mission, the LC Guide Specifies that hiring Contacts to participate in Missions is expensive.The cost of hiring them is variable as a way to balance for different sized tables. Hiring a contact costs (2,000 nuyen x Number of Players) + (Connection x 1,000 nuyen).So, if a group of six players want to hire a Connection 5 decker, it will cost them 17,000 nuyen. If solo player wants to hire a Connection 2 street samurai, it will cost them 4,000 nuyen. So how do you play the contact? This is one of those risky areas because the player may have a really fleshed out idea of what the NPC cares about and would do in specific scenarios. But as pointed out in the Guide, the NPC is not a giant bullet sponge and really shouldn’t be charging into a room of gangers headfirst.They didn’t survive this long in life by being an idiot. So as long as the player is handling them appropriately,letting them control the NPC, otherwise you will need to take over.

Can I hire my contacts to come on a shadowrun with me?Non-Missions specific contacts (the Contacts you made up) may be hired, so long as the GM agrees that contact is suitable for hiring. Contacts are presumed to have a professional rating equal to their Connection Rating and dice pools for core skills (determined by the GM) at Connection Rating x2.While contacts may be willing to come out and help, they aren’t mindless minions and they’re not going to put themselves in excessive danger for you, no matter how much you’re paying. So while they will come along as backup and help out, you cannot use them as “10 extra boxes of ablative damage”. They won’t run in front and soak gunfire, and they won’t pull a suicidal distraction to help you get in the back door. They'll Offer up their expertise where necessary and will do their job well and competently, but that’s it. The GM can disallow a contact to perform certain actions or even opt to control the contact as an NPC.GMs should only allow a contact to be available for hired if they are filling a role that the group is weak on. Hired Contacts should not be considered an ace-in-the-hole, they should be a last resort for when you're screwed and need specialized help to complete a Mission.The contacts charge variable rates for their services based on your specific needs. Direct Services from contacts tend to be quite expensive, so be prepared for sticker shock. You can spend Favor Points to reduce this by 10% per Favor Point spent, up to Loyalty/2 (round up). They cannot be hired and brought to the meet with Mr. Johnson as an extra team member. In other words, Mr. Johnson will NOT cover any of that fee. Hiring a contact to fill in is not cheap and should only be utilized as a last resort.

Buying Gear During a Run

Buying gear takes time and pausing in the middle of a mission to try and buy that fragging cool RPK HMG may not be possible.Well,how long does it take? Is it easy to find in short order? In order to find out,have an appropriate contact make a Connection + Connection (Availability) test to determine if they are able to get it in the next hour. The team can pay extra to provide contact with some additional buying power. For each 25% increase, the contact gains 1 additional die up to their Connection rating. If the contact is successful, the team is able to buy the item for the price + 10% for each point of Heat you have + the additional money spent to help acquire the goods. If the item isn’t illegal and doesn’t require a license, the runners can use Walmart-Kong or Hor-ama-zon to purchase items. These can be bought via the Matrix Search (Availability) and delivered to their current location if they are not in a remote location while on a run or in downtime.

Looting the Dead or Dying

Gamemasters should be careful what they allow players access to because they can and will try to steal everything not nailed down (and even then, they often have pry bars and claw hammers to deal with those pesky nails). Shadowrun Missions operate under the assumption that two players who have run the same missions will have roughly the same amount of resources available to them (give or take some negotiation and a little bit of minor loot fenced), so when players are able to steal and fence a lot of gear or are able to get their hands on high-priced vehicles, cyberdecks, or foci, it can unbalance the game and make it unfair to players who didn't have the opportunity to get those items. Fencing gear gains the potential for loss of Reputation or gaining Heat.See Fencing Gear.

Fencing Gear

In order to fence the valuables, you come across, you need a contact who’s in the right field. Yourbartender contact isn’t going to help you unload that cyberdeck prototype you lifted from Mitsuhama. Yourcontact needs to have the right connections where the Availability of the item is less than their Connection. Are Either you or the item is too hot? Will your contact move your gear for you? The runner makes an Influence(Charisma-based or Logic-based) Opposed test capped by your Loyalty-Heat. If the runner is successful, the fence will pay you 10% plus 1% for each hit. If you are not, they won't sell the item for you.For a home game, if the item is particularly hot or desired (according to the gamemaster’s discretion)the whole selling process could be more adventurous and offer a bigger payday, but that’s up to the individual running the show. However, for Shadowrun Missions, hot items represent a potential for the loss of Reputation Or the chance to gain Heat. Selling gear that the team picks up doesn’t come without risk. The gear can be traced and moving a lot of gear will raise the suspicions of authorities and make it easier for them to track the runners.For every 1,000 nuyen gained through fencing gear, the specific runner selling the gear gains 1 Heat modifier.If the runners glitch the Influence test, the runners gain an additional point of Heat. If the runners critically glitch the test, the runners are caught in a raid by the police, and they are caught and issued a Criminal SIN as well as the item being lost. If the runners are selling any bioware, cyberware, or body parts, they suffer a Reputation loss of 1.


Applying heat in a Shadowrun Mission, means taking the average heat level of all the runners on the mission. If the response times are reduced, but the mission calls for a specific response time, bias in favor of the mission. If the runners have achieved higher levels of heat, add in two additional Professional Rating 5 combatants for heat of between 11 and 16, and change the difficulty of one of the combat encounters to includeProfessional Rating 7+ elite guards appropriate to the region. These can come from the NPC deck or from the6WE p. 207-210. In addition to additional combatants, Heat impacts your ability to buy and sell gear. For more information on that, refer to the sections on Buying Gear and Fencing Gear.Gaining Heat is done at the end of the mission found on p. 236, 6WE. The Heat roll will be affected by modifiers. The scenes in Shadowrun Missions and Convention Mission Packs will contain callouts for specific actions that will adjust the Heat roll modifier. These modifiers are not all encompassing as shadowrunners have a natural tendency to find creative solutions to situations. When in doubt, check the heat modifier table(p. 236, 6WE). Applying the penalty to kill the lowest-rated SIN used during the mission is applied at the end of the mission in which the team gained that level of heat. The penalty is applied to each of the runners that have heat above the threshold. After burning the SIN, that runner’s heat drops by 2 points.

Lowering Heat.

Heat makes life miserable for shadowrunners. Lowering your heat in ShadowrunMissions has a few options. The first option is to work a contact and use their connections and some of their reputation to help. If their connection is 3 or higher, they can lower the Heat of your crew by 2, however your Loyalty is lowered by 1. If you don’t want to involve your friends and contacts, you can use the universal language of the Sixth World. Nuyen. For every 1,000 nuyen spent in bribes,a single person can reduce their Heat by 1. Finally, shadowrunners can lower heat by laying low. If they spend a major downtime activity on lying low, they can reduce their Heat by 1.


Reputation represents the runner’s reputation within the shadows community. Each mission calls out any Reputation gain for post-mission“Picking up the Pieces.” Having a Reputation that is 10 or higher, grants the runners a point of Edge when dealing with other NPC in the shadows community. If their Reputation is-10 or lower, they grant Edge to NPC in the shadow community. Future Seasons may align Reputation with specific factions.

Trading Money or Gear

Can we trade money or gear between players?: Yes, but only within reason. Giving someone an extra gun, or spotting them an extra 1,000¥ for some gear because they’re short is no big deal. However, you should not be giving away large, expensive items or large sums of nuyen. This is primarily to prevent abuse in games where someone is just sitting in to play a session or two, so they just dump their gear and money on their teammates at the end of the game since they’re not planning to play that character anymore. To set a hard limit on this, gamemasters should not allow players to give away OR receive more than 5,000¥ worth of cred or gear (using base book value for the gear) per Mission played. In a trade or purchase situation, this means that the value of the trade must be within 5,000¥ per transaction. You cannot charge 10,000¥ over or under the list price of an item by stretching the payment over two sessions. The characters involved in the transaction must all be playing in that Mission.